Help / WLanguage / WLanguage syntax / Structured statements
  • Code to run
  • Exiting from a WHILE loop
  • Loop without end
  • Running the next iteration
  • Composite condition
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Stored procedures
In a WHILE statement, the expression is evaluated at the beginning of the statement block.
The process loops as long as the condition expression is True. The program will exit from the statement block when the condition is False.
MyList = INIRead("Examples", "", "", INIFile)
Keyword = ExtractString(MyList, nb, CR)
WHILE Keyword <> ""
	nb = nb + 1
	ExplName = INIRead("Projects installed", Keyword, "", INIFile)
	Keyword = ExtractString(MyList, nb + 1, CR)

"WHILE" condition Hide the details

WHILE <Condition>
  <Action if condition is True>
Marks the beginning of the statement block.
Condition to check.
<Action if condition is True>:
Action to perform if the condition is True.
Marks the end of the statement block.

Loop with exit according to a "WHILE" condition Hide the details

  DO WHILE <Condition>
Marks the beginning of the statement block.
Marks the end of the statement block. Used to exit from the statement block. The lines of the loop found before this statement are run.

Code to run

The code to be executed is between the WHILE and END statements.

Exiting from a WHILE loop

Several statements are available:
  • RETURN: Exit from the WHILE loop and exit from the current process (or procedure).
  • RETURN: Return a status report to the calling process. Exit from the WHILE loop and exit from the current process (or procedure).
  • BREAK: Exit from the WHILE loop and run the rest of the current process.
Close is used to exit from the WHILE loop and to close the current window.

Loop without end

When compiling the project, a WHILE loop without an obvious end (BREAK, RETURN or RETURN statement missing) is signaled by a warning.

Running the next iteration

To directly run the next iteration without ending the code of the current iteration, use the CONTINUE statement:
WHILE <Condition>
IF <Condition> THEN CONTINUE  // Go back to the WHILE keyword

Composite condition

The AND and OR keywords are used to perform logical operations and to create composite conditions.
For example:
WHILE Price < 100 AND ProductType = "AA"
	NumProduct ++       // Number of products whose price is less than 
							 // $100 and whose type is "AA"

WHILE Price > 100 OR Price < 500
	 NumProduct ++  // Number of products whose price is included between €100 and €500
The conditions made of AND and OR are entirely evaluated.
For example:
A1 > 10 AND B1 < 20
Even if the first condition (A1 > 10) is false, the second condition (B1 < 20) will be checked.
Optimizing the evaluation of composite conditions: Use the _AND_ and _OR_ keywords. If the first condition is false (A1 > 10 in our example), the second condition (B1 < 20 in our example) will not be checked.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Exemplo While
Exemplo While

_contador is int=0
WHILE _contador <200


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10 Oct. 2016

Last update: 09/24/2024

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