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Compiler (Property)
In french: Compilateur
The Compiler property gets and sets the compiler options in the Code Editor control, in particular, which functions are allowed or disallowed.
CODEEDT_Example.Compiler.AllowedFunctions = AllFunctions
CODEEDT_Example.Compiler.ForbiddenFunctions = "fDelete"

Getting the value of compiler options Hide the details

<Result> = <Code editor>.Compiler.<Property name>
<Result>: Type corresponding to the property
Result corresponding to the property used.
<Code editor>: Control name
Name of the Code Editor control used.
<Property name>:
Compiler option applied:
AllowedFunctionsCharacter stringList of allowed functions, separated by CR, commas or semicolons.
"fOpen" + CR + "fCreate"
  • Specify functions using the standard syntax only. The associated prefix syntax will be automatically taken into account.
  • Functions can be in English or French: both languages will automatically be taken into account.
DefaultFunctionsInteger constantSpecifies the functions available by default:
  • AllFunctions: All WLanguage functions are available by default. You can disallow certain functions using the ForbiddenFunctions property.
  • NoFunction: No function available by default. You can allow certain functions using the AllowedFunctions property.
ForbiddenFunctionsCharacter stringList of disallowed functions, separated by CR, commas or semicolons.
"fOpen" + CR + "fCreate"
  • Specify functions using the standard syntax only. The associated prefix syntax will be automatically taken into account.
  • Functions can be in English or French: both languages will automatically be taken into account.

Setting the value of compiler options Hide the details

<Editor control>.Accessibility.<Property name> = <New value>
<Code editor>: Control name
Name of the Code Editor control used.
<Property name>:
Compiler option to be applied:
AllowedFunctionsCharacter stringList of allowed functions, separated by CR, commas or semicolons.
"fOpen" + CR + "fCreate"
  • Specify functions using the standard syntax only. The associated prefix syntax will be automatically taken into account.
  • Functions can be in English or French: both languages will automatically be taken into account.
DefaultFunctionsInteger constantSpecifies the functions available by default:
  • AllFunctions: All WLanguage functions are available by default. You can disallow certain functions using the ForbiddenFunctions property.
  • NoFunction: No function available by default. You can allow certain functions using the AllowedFunctions property.
ForbiddenFunctionsCharacter stringList of disallowed functions, separated by CR, commas or semicolons.
"fOpen" + CR + "fCreate"
  • Specify functions using the standard syntax only. The associated prefix syntax will be automatically taken into account.
  • Functions can be in English or French: both languages will automatically be taken into account.
<New value>: Type corresponding to the property
New value of the property.
Minimum version required
  • Version 2024
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Last update: 07/08/2024

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