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  • Properties specific to the description of diagImage variables
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diagImage (Type of variable)
In french: diagImage
The diagImage type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a diagram shape created from an image. The characteristics of this shape can be defined and changed using different WLanguage properties.
Remark: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
MyImage is diagImage
MyImage.Image = "Logo.png"

Properties specific to the description of diagImage variables

Remark: The diagImage type inherits from the diagShape type. This means all the properties of the diagShape type are available for the diagImage type. These properties appear in italics in the list below.
The following properties can be used to handle a shape of type Image:
Property nameType usedEffect
BackgroundBackground color of the shape.
The Color property is used to define the background color of the shape.
This property can correspond to:
  • an RGB color (returned by RGB),
  • an HSL color (returned by HSL),
  • a WLanguage preset color.
  • a variable of type Color. In this case, the opacity specified in the variable is taken into account.
BorderdiagBorderCharacteristics of the shape border.
The available properties are:
  • Color: color of the border.
  • Thickness: Thickness of border.
  • Type: Border type.
CommentCharacter stringNote about the shape. This note is not displayed.
ConnectionPointArray of diagConnectionPointList of connection points of the shape.
HeightRealHeight of the box that contains the shape before rotation or zoom, expressed in pixels.
ImageCharacter stringImage displayed.
NameCharacter stringShape name. This name will be used for searching, for example, if the shape is in a library.
NoteCharacter stringNote associated with the shape.
OpacityIntegerPercentage of opacity of the shape. This value ranges from invisible (0) to completely opaque (100).
  • True if the shape has a shadow,
  • False otherwise.
TextdiagTextText (with formatting) inside the shape.
WidthRealWidth of the box that contains the shape before rotation or zoom, expressed in pixels.
XReal X-coordinate of the box that contains the shape before rotation or zoom, expressed in pixels. This X-coordinate is relative to the parent of the shape.
YReal Y-coordinate of the box that contains the shape before rotation or zoom, expressed in pixels. This Y-coordinate is relative to the parent of the shape.
Minimum version required
  • Version 27
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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