Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Font management properties
  • Style of a control: Setting character spacing in the editor
  • Font variable
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Stored procedures
The CharacterSpacing property gets and sets the spacing between characters.
p is Font
p.Name = "Arial"
p.SizeUnit = unitPoint
p.Size = 12
p.LineSpacing = 1.5
p.CharacterSpacing = 5

Getting the character spacing Hide the details

<Result> = <Font>.CharacterSpacing
<Result>: Integer
Character spacing value (expressed in points). This value can be positive or negative. This spacing is added to or subtracted from the default spacing value.
<Font>: Font variable
Name of the Font variable to be used.

Setting the character spacing Hide the details

<Font>.CharacterSpacing = <New spacing>
<Font>: Font variable
Name of the Font variable to be used.
<New spacing>: Integer
New character spacing value (expressed in points). This value can be positive or negative. This spacing is added to or subtracted from the default spacing value.

Style of a control: Setting character spacing in the editor

You can define the font used for the different elements of the control in the "Style" tab of the control description window. You can also set the line spacing and character spacing for the current font in the font size settings.

Font variable

A font can be created from a Font variable.
To define the font characteristics, use:
This font can be used:
Android This font can only be used in the controls of a window (Font property).
Minimum version required
  • Version 27
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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