DiagramLoadLibrary (Function) In french: DiagrammeChargeBibliothèque Loads a diagram file and creates a library of preset shapes from it. // Add a new library MyLibrary is diagLibrary DiagramLoadLibrary(MyLibrary, "Furniture01.wddiag") MyLibrary.Name = "Furniture" DIAGEDT_Diagram.Library.Add(MyLibrary) sFile is string = fTempDir() + [ fSep ] + "custom_library.wddiag"  // Creates a library entirely through programming TempLibrary is Diagram  D1 is diagOval D1.Width = 50 D1.Height = 50 D1.Background.Color = DarkRed Add(TempLibrary.Shape, D1)  D2 is diagOval D2.Width = 50 D2.Height = 70 D2.Background.Color = DarkGreen Add(TempLibrary.Shape, D2)  // Use the shapes of the temporary diagram to create the library // Saves the diagram to the disk DiagramSave(TempLibrary, sFile)  // Load the diagram as a library MyLibrary is diagLibrary DiagramLoadLibrary(MyLibrary, sFile) MyLibrary.Name = "Custom"  // Adds the library to the Diagram Editor control Add(DIAGEDT_Diagram.Library, MyLibrary)  ToastDisplay("The custom library has been added to the list.") Syntax
<Result> = DiagramLoadLibrary(<Library> , <File>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the library has been loaded,
- False otherwise. ErrorInfo returns more details about the error.
<Library>: diagLibrary variable Name of the diagLibrary variable into which the file corresponding to the library must be imported. <File>: Character string Full path of the diagram file corresponding to the library to be imported. This file corresponds to a diagram previously saved with DiagramSave. Remarks - A library corresponds to a diagram file created with DiagramSave (".wddiag" file).
- DiagramLoadLibrary transforms a diagram into a library of preset shapes that can be displayed in the left panel of the Diagram Editor control.
- To use only your custom libraries, delete the default libraries. To do so, use ArrayDeleteAll on the array of libraries of the diagram. Example:
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