DiagramToImage (Function) In french: DiagrammeVersImage Exports a diagram to a variable of type Image. The generated image can then be saved or displayed in another control. // Save a diagram to a PNG file DiagImage is Image DiagImage = DiagramToImage(DIAGEDT_MyDiagram.Value) IF ErrorOccurred THEN Error() RETURN END dSaveImagePNG(DiagImage, "DiagramExport.png")
MyDiagram is Diagram <- DIAGEDT_MyDiagram // Retrieves the generated image MyImage is Image <- DiagramToImage(MyDiagram) // Open the image OpenDocument(MyImage)
<Result> = DiagramToImage(<Diagram> [, <Background color>])
<Result>: Image variable Variable of type Image corresponding to the image of the diagram. <Diagram>: Name of the control or Diagram variable Diagram to be used. This parameter corresponds to: - the name of a Diagram Editor control.
- the name of a variable of type Diagram.
<Background color>: Optional integer Image background color. This color can correspond to:If the background color is not specified, the diagram will be exported as is, with the background color already defined (if any).
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