ScanToImage (Function) In french: ScanVersImage Retrieves a document from a scanner in a variable of type Image. MyScanner is Scanner MyScanner = ScanSelect()  // Display the document in the scanner in an Image control IMG_MyImage = ScanToImage(MyScanner) IF ErrorOccurred THEN Error("The document was not scanned", ErrorInfo()) END  // Scan all pages in the feeder ScanToImage(MyScanner, ProcessPageScan) // Process a scanned page INTERNAL PROCÉDURE ProcessPageScan(nPageNum is int, ImageScan is Image) dSaveImageJPEG(ImageScan, "page" + nPageNum + ".jpg") END
Syntax <Result>: Image variable Image variable retrieved from the scanner. If an error occurs, the ErrorOccurred variable is set to True and ErrorInfo returns the corresponding error message. <Scanner>: Scanner variable Name of the Scanner variable initialized with the details of the scanner to be used.
Scanning multple pages (with feeder) Hide the details
<Result> = ScanToImage(<Scanner> [, <Number of pages>] , <End of page scan>)
<Result>: Boolean - True if the scan was completed successfully,
- False if an error occurs during the scan process. The corresponding error message is returned by ErrorInfo.
<Scanner>: Scanner variable Name of the scanner variable initialized with the details of the scanner to be used. <Number of pages>: Optional integer - Number of pages to be scanned,
- scanNumberPagesAll constant to scan all the pages in the feeder (default value).
<End of page scan>: Procedure name Name of the WLanguage procedure ("callback") called once a page has been scanned. This procedure has the following format:
<Procedure name>(<Page number>, <Image>) where: - <Page number>: Number of the scanned page.
- <Image>: Image variable that contains the scanned page. This variable is only valid when calling the procedure: therefore, it must be copied or saved to a file (it must not be referenced).
If the procedure returns False, the scan is interrupted. Business / UI classification: UI Code
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