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Help / WINDEV Tutorial / Tutorial - Creating a WINDEV project and its analysis
  • Lesson 1 - Creating a WINDEV project and its analysis
  • Analysis and project: Definitions
  • Project with analysis
  • Creating the project
  • Creating the analysis
  • To sum up

Tutorial - Creating a WINDEV project and its analysis

Lesson 1 - Creating a WINDEV project and its analysis
We will cover the following topics:
  • Creating a project.
  • Creating an analysis.
Durée de la leçon 5 min
Analysis and project: Definitions
To create an application with WINDEV, you need to create a project. This project contains all the elements required to run the application.
As you develop the application, you may have to handle data. To store the data, you must create a "database".
The first thing you should do in a WINDEV project that handles data is create an analysis. An "analysis" contains the description of the data files containing the application data.
A "Data file" corresponds to a "table" in some databases.
When the application is run, these descriptions will be used to create the database and/or the data files. Data will be stored in this database or these data files.
Project with analysis
In this tutorial, we will create and associate a project with an HFSQL database.
WINDEV supports a wide range of database formats. It natively supports HFSQL, a built-in database system. The HFSQL database is available in Local, Network, Cluster, Client/Server (Windows and Linux), Cloud and Mobile versions.
To create an application with a database, you must:
  • Create the project linked to the application. This project will group together all the elements of the application (windows, code, queries, reports, etc.).
  • Create the analysis associated with the project. The analysis is used to describe all data files handled by the application.
Creating the project
To develop any application with WINDEV, we need to create a project.
To create a project, simply follow the steps of the project creation wizard:
  1. Open WINDEV and go to the home page (Ctrl + <).
  2. On the home page, click "Create a project" and select "Windows or Linux application". The project creation wizard opens. The different steps of the wizard will help you create your project.
    The information specified in this wizard can be modified later.
  3. The wizard allows you to choose the style book. Select "Eleven".
    Project creation wizard - Style book
    Go to the next step.
    The style book is defined based on skin templates. Skin templates allow you to quickly create outstanding interfaces. A skin template defines the window style as well as the style of all the controls that will be used in the window. Thus, the interface will always be cohesive and beautiful.
  4. The wizard prompts you to enter the project name and location. In our case, name the project "WD My First Database". By default, WINDEV creates this project in the ".\My projects\WD My First Database" directory. You can keep this location or change it via the [...] button.
    Project creation wizard
  5. Click "Finish" to complete the project creation process. The new element window appears. Close this window by clicking "X" in the upper-right corner.
Creating the analysis
Now, let's create the analysis of the project:
  1. Click in the quick access buttons. The analysis creation wizard opens.
  2. Specify the analysis name and directory. By default, the analysis name corresponds to the project name and the analysis directory is a ".ana" directory in the project directory. Keep the default parameters.
    Analysis creation wizard
    Proceed to the next step of the wizard.
  3. Next, you can choose the types of databases used by the project. Select "HFSQL Classic".
    Analysis creation wizard - Selecting the database
    Proceed to the next step of the wizard.
  4. Confirm. The data file creation wizard opens automatically.
  5. Close this wizard. In the next lesson, we will look at the different ways of creating a data file description.
To sum up
In this lesson, we have covered:
  • the role of the project in the application creation process.
  • the steps to create a project.
  • the steps to create an analysis.
  • etc.
The next lesson of this tutorial will present the different methods available to define a data file in the data model editor. You will also learn how to define links between the data files in the analysis.
Table of contentsNext Lesson
Minimum version required
  • Version 2025
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Last update: 01/09/2025

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