New WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile 27 feature!
Help / WEBDEV Tutorial / Introduction
  • Preliminary points
  • Tutorial overview
  • Legend of the symbols in this tutorial
  • How to access the online help?
  • If you are familiar with WEBDEV 26...
  • What is WEBDEV used for?
Preliminary points
Caution: This is a Tutorial. We advise you to check the online help when using WEBDEV.
The purpose of this tutorial is to help you discover WEBDEV, get acquainted with the editors and learn the WEBDEV concepts.
This tutorial does not cover all the features in WEBDEV.
You should plan on spending a few hours to follow this course and to learn WEBDEV: it is a good investment!
If you try to start developing a site straight away, you will lose time, much more than the few hours spent on this tutorial.
The tutorial has been designed to be followed according to one of the following methods:
  • Method 1: follow all the detailed exercises in each lesson (recommended method).
  • Method 2: if you are in a hurry and already have significant experience, you can simply read this tutorial without doing the exercises (all the actions are illustrated). However, in order to quickly assimilate the main concepts, we recommend that you follow the tutorial step by step.
As WEBDEV is constantly evolving, the images of windows and pages in the tutorial may differ from the pages in your product.

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Tutorial overview
This tutorial has been designed to progressively teach you how to use WEBDEV. By following this tutorial:
  • you will discover the main concepts explained informally; these are the concepts you should learn and understand.
  • you will also be asked to perform operations that illustrate the concepts just explained.
As you progress through the tutorial, if you want to take a closer look at a concept or if you want to get more details about a programming function, see the online help (accessible from the editors).
The size of a lesson is not necessarily proportional to its relevance...
Don't forget to also take a look at the examples provided with WEBDEV: they are very instructive!
Legend of the symbols in this tutorial
Lesson duration
This symbol indicates the duration of the lesson. Please note that the actual time may vary according to your level of experience.
An example is available to complete the tutorial. The examples can be opened from the WEBDEV home page (Ctrl + <).
This symbol introduces a "Tip": reading the associated text is strongly recommended.
This symbol introduces a "Warning": reading the associated text is essential.
This symbol introduces a "Note": reading the associated text is recommended.
Internet-specific feature
This symbol introduces a feature specific to Internet: reading the associated text is strongly recommended.
How to access the online help?
The online help of WEBDEV allows you to get detailed information about the 3500 WLanguage functions. It also contains the help about editors, controls, tips, etc.
The online help is available at any time in WEBDEV:
  • In the code editor, a specific help is available for each function via the F1 key.
  • Each dialog box displayed by WEBDEV proposes a Help button button allowing you to access the corresponding help page.
  • The help menu of the editors ("Help" option available on the "Home" tab, in the "Online help" group of the WEBDEV menu) allows you to start the online help.
  • The help can be displayed:
    • in an Internet browser, if you have access to Internet (default mode):
      Help available on the Internet
    • in a specific "help browser":
      Help displayed in the help browser


It is recommended to check the online help rather than the local help. The online help is updated on a regular basis.
The WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile online help is available from any computer with Internet access. The IDEs do not need to be installed. This help is updated on a regular basis.
Users can add comments on the documentation pages: personal notes, examples, links and more.
Remark: To open the local help from the editor:
  1. On the "Home" tab, in the "Environment" group, expand "Options" and select "General options of WEBDEV".
  2. Display the "Help" tab.
    General options of WEBDEV
  3. Select:
    • the access mode to the help database.
    • the help content: common help for WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile or help for the current IDE only.
If you are familiar with WEBDEV 26...
Even if you are already familiar with WEBDEV 26, you can still find this tutorial very useful: it's a good opportunity to "review" the WEBDEV features!
What is WEBDEV used for?
WEBDEV is a DevOps Integrated Development Environment. It allows you to develop Internet and Intranet sites in many fields:
  • E-commerce (sales, rentals, bookings...),
  • Multimedia (description of companies, "showroom" sites...),
  • Intranet (logins, secure accesses...),
  • ...
WEBDEV is a full development environment that includes all the tools required for developing and maintaining Internet or Intranet sites.
Unlike other programming languages, there is no need to find and add modules to be able to design, check and deploy a site.
The WEBDEV 5GL (5th Generation Language), WLanguage, will surprise you by its simplicity: a few hours are all you need to become familiar with it, a week is usually enough to fully master its potential!
No more programming hassle, WLanguage is available in English and French!

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Minimum version required
  • Version 27
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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