DownloadGetInfo (Function) In french: TéléchargementRécupèreInfo Retrieves the details of a download present in the download manager. Note: Download functions have no effect in the simulator.
PROCEDURE DownloadCompleted(InfoDownload is DownloadInfo)
IF InfoDownload.Status = downloadStatusSuccessful THEN
Info(InfoDownload.Title + " has been downloaded successfully."
ParameterDownload is DownloadParameter
ParameterDownload.Source = ...
ParameterDownload.Title = "PC Soft Logo"
ParameterDownload.Description = "PC Soft company logo"
ParameterDownload.Destination = SysDirExternalStorage(1, sseAppDownload)
ParameterDownload.MobileNetworkAllowed = True
ParameterDownload.MeteredNetworkAllowed = False
ParameterDownload.RequiresCharging = True
ParameterDownload.NotificationMode = downloadNotifProgressAndCompletion
ParameterDownload.ProcedureEnd = "DownloadCompleted"
nID is int = DownloadAdd(ParameterDownload)
telInfo is DownloadInfo = DownloadGetInfo(nID)
<Result> = DownloadGetInfo(<Identifier>)
<Result>: DownloadInfo variable DownloadInfo variable that contains the details of the download. <Identifier>: Integer Identifier of the download (returned by DownloadAdd). Remarks Required permissions This function changes the permissions required by the application. Permission required: INTERNET This permission allows the applications to open the network sockets.
Related Examples:
Android (WINDEV Mobile): Android Downloads
[ + ] This example illustrates background downloads in WINDEV Mobile and Android. It is no longer necessary to keep the application open to propose the download of a file. The download manager allows you to download large files and to notify the application when the downloads are finished.
Component: wd300android.aar