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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Mobile specific functions / Download functions
  • Required permissions
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Adds a new download in the device's download manager. The download will run in the background as soon as the download manager is ready to execute it.
Note: Download functions have no effect in the simulator.
// Procedure to call at the end of the download
PROCEDURE DownloadCompleted(InfoDownload is DownloadInfo)
IF InfoDownload.Status = downloadStatusSuccessful THEN
    Info(InfoDownload.Title + " has been downloaded successfully."
    RETURN False

// ---------------
// Create a DownloadParameter variable 
// to store the download information
ParameterDownload is DownloadParameter

// Specify the parameters of the download
ParameterDownload.Source = ...
ParameterDownload.Title = "PC Soft Logo"
ParameterDownload.Description = "PC Soft company logo"
ParameterDownload.Destination = SysDirExternalStorage(1, sseAppDownload)
ParameterDownload.MobileNetworkAllowed = True
ParameterDownload.MeteredNetworkAllowed = False
ParameterDownload.RequiresCharging = True
ParameterDownload.NotificationMode = downloadNotifProgressAndCompletion
// Procedure to call at the end of the download
ParameterDownload.ProcedureEnd = "DownloadCompleted"

// The download is added to the list of downloads to be started
// (The download manager will start the download as soon as possible).
nID is int = DownloadAdd(ParameterDownload)

telInfo is DownloadInfo = DownloadGetInfo(nID)

<Result> = DownloadAdd(<Download>)
<Result>: Integer
  • Identifier of the new download,
  • -1 if an error occurred.
<Download>: DownloadParameter variable
Name of the DownloadParameter variable that corresponds to the download to be started.
Only the Source property of the DownloadParameter variable is needed to start the download.

Required permissions

This function changes the permissions required by the application.
Permission required: INTERNET
This permission allows the applications to open the network sockets.
Related Examples:
Android Downloads Android (WINDEV Mobile): Android Downloads
[ + ] This example illustrates background downloads in WINDEV Mobile and Android.
It is no longer necessary to keep the application open to propose the download of a file. The download manager allows you to download large files and to notify the application when the downloads are finished.
Component: wd300android.aar
Minimum version required
  • Version 27
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Last update: 09/30/2024

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