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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Signature control
  • Overview of Signature control
  • Control in a report
  • Creating a Signature control
  • Characteristics of Signature controls
  • Creating a signature in a report in WLanguage
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Overview of Signature control

Control in a report

The Signature control is a report control used to sign:
  • the reports generated as PDF.
  • the report duplicates.
This Signature control is used to implement 2 types of signatures:
  • Approval signature: An approval signature is a Numerical signature applied to a document.. A PDF document can contain several successive approval signatures, perform with the relevant software. When the document contains an approval signature, a bar with a green checkmark is displayed in Adobe Acrobat.
  • Certification signature: Compared with approval signatures, certification signatures guarantee a higher level of document control.. When the document is certified, a blue bar with a certification icon is displayed in Adobe Acrobat.
Creating a Signature control
To create a Signature control:
  1. Display (if necessary) a report in the report editor.
  2. In the "Creation" pane, in the "Certificate" group, pull down "Signature" and select the type of signature to be created: approval or certification signature.
  3. Click where you want to create the control.
To view the characteristics of the control, select "Description" in the context menu.
Note: only one signature field can be created in a report..
Characteristics of Signature controls
The Signature control can be configured in the editor via its description window.
The main control characteristics are available in the "General" tab:
  • Type of signature: Type of signature to generate: approval or certification signature.
    Note: The signature type can be programmatically modified using the SignatureType property..
  • Label: Label displayed in the Signature field. This caption can contain information about the person who signed the report for example.
    Note: It is possible to modify the signature wording programmatically using the Caption property..
  • Image: Image displayed in the Signature field.
    Note: The signature image can be programmatically modified using the Image property..
  • Default certificate: Certificate used to sign the report. The different certificates installed on the current computer are proposed.
    Note: The certificate used for the programmed signature can be modified using the Certificate property..
  • The caption and the image are optional information.
  • If the Signature control is invisible (option available in the "UI" tab of the description window), the generated PDF report (or the duplicate) will not be signed.
  • If the certificate associated with the Signature control is not found, the generated PDF report (or the duplicate) will not be signed.
  • Attention: For a signed PDF file to be recognized by Acrobat, the organization issuing the signature certificate must be a member of the AATL list (Adobe Authorized Trust List) or the CDS (Certified Document Services) program..
    If the certificate is not recognized, Acrobat will display the following message: "At least one signature has problems".
Creating a signature in a report in WLanguage
You can also sign documents created with WLanguage. Simply use iPrintSignature.
Minimum version required
  • Version 21
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Last update: 09/30/2024

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