Help / Developing Universal Windows 10 apps
  • Overview
  • Local certification
  • Certification criteria
  • Creating a Microsoft developer account
  • Submission for a deployment on the store
  • Retrieving the identifiers required by the generation
  • Submitting an application
WindowsLinuxUniversal Windows 10 AppJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac CatalystUniversal Windows 10 App
Stored procedures
Your Universal Windows 10 App application is ready to be used. It can now be published on the Windows Store of Microsoft in order to be sold or to be shared with the community.
The deployment steps are as follows:
  1. Local certification and certification criteria.
  2. Creating a Microsoft developer account.
  3. Submission for the deployment on the store.
    This step is used to get the identifiers required by the generation.
Local certification
Before any deployment, the application must be validated on the development computer with the "Windows App Cert Kit".
This kit can be downloaded from the following address:
The local certification of the application is performed in several steps:
  1. Generate the application in WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile. Install this application locally on the development computer.
  2. From the startup screen, start "Windows App Cert Kit".
  3. In the wizard, select "Validate a Windows Store application".
  4. Choose your application.
  5. Click the "Next" button and wait for the end of test. The computer should not be used during the validation.
  6. At the end of the wizard, save the status report in a file.
  7. If the wizard displays "SUCCESS", you can submit the application to the Store. Otherwise, the report will indicate the problems that occurred.

Certification criteria

The criteria used to certify the application are presented at the following address:
Don't hesitate to check this page when developing your application or if the wizard for local certification fails.
Creating a Microsoft developer account
A Microsoft developer account is required to submit an application.
Two types of accounts are available, individual or company:
  • The individual developers can submit Windows Store Apps applications only.
  • The company developers can submit Windows Store Apps applications as well as desktop applications.
The Microsoft site presents the differences between the two types of accounts.
To create a developer account:
  1. Open the Windows Store Apps development center:
  2. Connect with your Microsoft account (Live or Hotmail account). If you have no Microsoft account, create one.
  3. Follow the steps of the wizard for creating a developer or individual account.
    • Choose the type of account: individual or company.
      Caution: the choice of the account type is permanent.
    • Specify the account parameters. In addition to the personal details, you must choose the display name of the publisher. This is the publisher name that will be displayed in the store for your applications. You must specify a name for which rights have been granted to you.
    • Accept the contract. The wizard displays the registration cost.
    • Confirm the purchase and pay online.
  4. The Microsoft developer account is created. You have the ability to access the dashboard to submit an application.
Important: If you want to submit fee-based applications, you must configure a dividend account (account onto which your sales revenues will be credited).
Submission for a deployment on the store

Retrieving the identifiers required by the generation

To retrieve the identifiers of an application:
  1. Display the dashboard of your applications. The dashboard of your applications is available from the following address:
  2. Create a new application if necessary and reserve a product name. This name is a unique name. It corresponds to the name used for your application in the Store. This name will have to be used in the generation wizard of WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile.
  3. When the application is created, you have the ability to find out the different identifiers required for generating the application in WINDEV Mobile.
    • In the dashboard, display the different applications.
    • Select your application. In the menu on the left, in the "Management of applications" section, click "Identity of applications".
    • The different identifiers are displayed.
In the wizard for WINDEV Mobile generation:
  • The full name of the editor corresponds to "Package/Properties/FullEditorName".
  • The identifier of the editor corresponds to "Package/Identity/Editor"
  • The application name reserved in Windows Store corresponds to the unique name of the application.
  • The full name of the application package corresponds to "Package/Identity/Name".

Submitting an application

To submit an application to the Store:
  1. Click the "Start the submission" button. Submitting an application is performed in several steps.
    The "Packages" step requires to provide the packages generated by WINDEV Mobile.
  2. In WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile, generate the packages for the store. In the generation wizard, select "Generation for Windows Store". For more details, see Generating a Windows 10 application.
  3. In the wizard, enter the different identifiers (see previous paragraph).
  4. The <AppName>.appxbundle file is generated at the end of wizard. This file must be uploaded onto the submission Web site ("Packages" section).
  5. Enter the requested information for by the submission.
  6. To finalize the deployment, click the "Submit in Windows Store" button. The report status of certification will be emailed to you.
Minimum version required
  • Version 21
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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