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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Organizer control
  • Events managed by default (window control)
  • Events with procedures for quick use
  • Advanced use of events with procedures
  • Optional events
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Events managed by default (window control)
WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPad The following events appear by default in the WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile code editor:
EventRuntime condition
InitializingExecuted when the window is opened. *
Before creating the appointmentExecuted when selecting "New appointment" in the context menu of Organizer control.
Entry in edit in an appointmentExecuted when selecting "New appointment" in the context menu of Organizer control. This event is run immediately after the "Before creating the appointment" event.
Exit from input for the appointmentExecuted when exiting the input of an appointment (e.g., exit when adding an appointment or when editing an appointment via the context menu)
Selecting an appointmentExecuted when selecting an existing appointment in the Organizer control. This event is executed when the context menu opens.
Moving an appointmentExecuted when moving an appointment in the Organizer control (move performed with the mouse for example).
Resizing an appointmentExecuted when resizing an appointment in the Organizer control (resize operation performed with the mouse for example).
Deleting an appointmentExecuted when selecting "Delete the appointment" in the context menu of Organizer control.
Range selectionExecuted when selecting a time range in the Organizer control.
Whenever changing periodExecuted when modifying the period displayed in the Organizer control.
Whenever changing the display modeExecuted when the user changes the display mode of Organizer control. The new mode can be known in this event via OrganizerMode.

(*) By default, the "Initialization" event of each control is executed according to the order in which the controls were created in the window. To modify this runtime order:
  1. On the "Window" tab, in the "Order" group, click "Initialization".
  2. In the window that appears, use the arrows on the right to change the order in which the controls are initialized.
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP The following events appear by default in the WEBDEV code editor:
EventRuntime condition
Initialization (server code)Executed when the page is opened.
Moving an appointment (server code)Executed when moving an appointment in the Organizer control (move performed with the mouse for example).
Resizing an appointment (server code)Executed when resizing an appointment in the Organizer control (resize operation performed with the mouse for example).
Deleting an appointment (server code)Run during the click on the cross found at the top right of selected appointment.
Before creating the appointment (server code)Executed when creating an appointment with the mouse (before the input performed by the user).
Exit from appointment input (server code)Executed when exiting from the appointment in input.
Whenever the period changes (server code)Executed when modifying the period displayed in the Organizer control.
Selecting an appointment (browser code)Executed when selecting an existing appointment in the Organizer control. This event is executed when an appointment is clicked on.
Moving an appointment (browser code)Executed when moving an appointment in the Organizer control (move performed with the mouse for example).
Resizing an appointment (browser code)Executed when resizing an appointment in the Organizer control (resize operation performed with the mouse for example).
Selecting a period (browser code)Executed when selecting a time range in the Organizer control.
Deleting an appointment (browser code)Run during the click on the cross found at the top right of selected appointment.
Before creating the appointment (browser code)Executed when creating an appointment with the mouse (before the input performed by the user).
Enter an appointment in input (browser code)Executed when selecting "New appointment" in the context menu of Organizer control. This event is run immediately after the "Before creating the appointment" event.
Exit from appointment input (browser code)Executed when exiting from the appointment in input.
Whenever changing period (browser code)Executed when modifying the period displayed in the Organizer control.

Events with procedures for quick use

Most of the events associated with the Organizer control are run:
  • WINDEV when using the context menu of the Organizer control.
  • when using the mouse or the fingertips.
  • WEBDEV - Server codePHP when using the deletion cross.
To simplify the operations performed on the appointments of an Organizer control, several procedures are proposed in each event. These procedures take the appointment variable (Appointment variable) as parameter. All the characteristics of the appointment handled by the context menu, by the mouse or fingertips are automatically assigned to this variable.
WINDEV Example: To store an appointment in a RDV data file, which the user adds via the context menu, simply enter the following in the "Enter appointment" event:
PROCEDURE Edit(aptEdited is Appointment)

// Store the data
APT.Title = aptEdited.Title
APT.StartDate = aptEdited.StartDate
APT.EndDate = aptEdited.EndDate

Advanced use of events with procedures

You can also allow the user to define more precisely the characteristics of his appointment during an addition or a modification.
WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPad To do so, create a window with the information to specify.
In the code, simply open the window in the "Entry in edit in an appointment" event. To lock the direct input via the context menu of the Organizer control, the event must return False.
This principle can be applied to all the events called by the context menu of the Organizer control.
PROCEDURE Edition(rdvEdité is Appointment)

// Ouvre la fenêtre de saisie d'un rendez-vous 
// avec le rendez-vous sélectionné (en mode Création ou Modification)
Open(FEN_SaisieRDV_HFSQL, rdvEdité)

// Renvoie FAUX pour bloquer la saisie directe dans le champ Agenda
WEBDEV - Server codeWEBDEV - Browser codePHP To do so, create a popup with the information to fill.
In the code, simply open the popup in the browser event "Enter the appointment in input".
PROCEDURE EntreeEnSaisie(rdvEdite is Appointment)

// Ouverture de la PopUp d'édition
POPUP_Modification.SAI_Titre = rdvEdite.Titre
POPUP_Modification.SAI_Contenu = rdvEdite.Contenu

IF rdvEdite.Catégorie = "Personnel" THEN
	POPUP_Modification.COMBO_Catégorie = 1
	POPUP_Modification.COMBO_Catégorie = 2

IF rdvEdite.ID = 0 THEN
	POPUP_Modification.BTN_Supprimer.Visible = False

Optional events
WINDEVAndroidiPhone/iPad Several optional events can be added. To add an optional event:
  1. Select the desired control.
  2. Display the code window of this control (F2 key).
  3. Click the link "Add other events to xxx" at the bottom of the window code, after the last event.
  4. All the optional events available for the control are displayed.
  5. Check the optional event to add and validate.
    Note: Several optional events can be selected.
  6. The selected optional event is automatically added to the events managed by the control.
To disable an optional event, simply perform the same operations to display the list of optional events. Then simply uncheck the optional events to delete.
Note: If the deactivated code contains WLanguage code, this code is automatically deleted..
For example, you can use the following events:
  • the mouse hover over the control,
  • left mouse button down, up, double click,
  • right mouse button down, up, double click,
  • mouse wheel, etc.
For more details, see the Optional events.
Minimum version required
  • Version 15
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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