Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Table Column control
  • Events managed
  • Events supported by WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile
  • Events managed by WEBDEV
  • Optional events
  • Sort code of a column
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Stored procedures
Events managed

Events supported by WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile

WINDEV and WINDEV Mobile manage the following events by default (order of appearance in the code editor):
EventRuntime condition
InitializationExecuted when the window is opened. *

Special case: Table control based on a data file filled automatically:
When this code is run, the Table control is not filled yet. To force the Table control to be filled in this event, use:You can also filter records with HFilter.
Entry (in the column)Run when the column takes focus.
Exit (from the column)Run when moving from one control to another (TAB key, selecting another control with the mouse, etc.).
Whenever modifiedRun when the user modifies the column content.

(*) By default, the "Initializing" event of each control is executed according to the order in which the controls were created in the window. To modify this order of execution:
  1. On the "Window" tab, in the "Order" group, click "Initialization".
  2. In the window that appears, use the arrows on the right to change the order in which the controls are initialized.
WEBDEV - Server code

Events managed by WEBDEV

WEBDEV manages the following events for the Table control columns:
  • Table in "Browser" mode :
    EventRuntime condition
    Entry in control (browser code)Run when the column takes focus.
    Exit without modification (browser code)Run when changing control with column modification.
    Exit from control (browser code)Run when changing control.
    Click on title (Browser code)Run when the user clicks the title of the column.
  • Table in "Server + AJAX" mode:
    EventRuntime condition
    Initialization (server code)Run when the page is opened.
    Entry in the column (browser code)Run when the column takes focus.
    Exit (from the column) with modification (browser code)Run when changing control after modification (TAB key, change of control with the mouse, etc.).
    Exit (from the column) (browser code)Run when changing control without modification (TAB key, change of control with the mouse, etc.).
    In row exit if modification (server code)Run when the user modifies the column content. This event is run on row exit only.
    Whenever performing a search with the magnifier (server code)Run when the user uses the magnifier to perform a search.
    Click on title (Browser code)Run when the user clicks the title of the column.
    Click on title (Server code)Run when the user clicks the title of the column.
  • Table in "Server" mode :
    EventRuntime condition
    Initialization (server code)Executed when the page is opened.
    Entry in control (browser code)Run when the column takes focus.
    Exit without modification (browser code)Run when changing control with column modification.
    Exit from control (browser code)Run when changing control.
    Click on title (Browser code)Run when the user clicks the title of the column.
Optional events
WINDEV Several optional events are supported. To add an optional event:
  1. Select the desired control.
  2. Display the code window of this control (F2 key).
  3. Click the link "Add other events to xxx" at the bottom of the window code, after the last event.
  4. All the optional events available for the control are displayed.
  5. Check the optional event to add and validate.
    Remark: You can select several optional events.
  6. The selected optional event is automatically added to the events managed by the control.
To disable an optional event, simply perform the same operations to display the list of optional events. Then simply uncheck the optional events to delete.
Remark: If the disabled code contains WLanguage code, this code is automatically deleted.
On a column of a Table control, you can define:
  • how the magnifier is used to perform a search (event "Whenever performing a search with the magnifier"). This event is run during the search (for each character typed) from the "magnifier" search control.
  • how columns are sorted (event "Whenever sorting"). This event is run when the user sorts the column with and .
  • how columns are resized (event "Resizing the column"). This event is run when the user resizes the column.
  • the filter defined by the user (event "Whenever modifying the filter (user input in header)"). This event is run when the user enters a new filter condition, after the filter has been applied. For example, if the user defines a "Contains" filter and types "Fran", the Table control is filtered according to the condition, then the event "Whenever modifying the filter" is run.
  • the click on the title of the column (event "Click on title of column"). This event is run when the user clicks on the title of the column..
  • the double-click on the column ("Double click on the column" event). This event is run when the user double-clicks the column.

Sort code of a column

When the user clicks the title of a column in a Table control, the sort code of the column is automatically called.
To find out the sort direction, declare a parameter at the beginning of the sort code.
// -- Whenever COL_Column1 is sorted
PROCÉDURE Sort(bAscending)
Trace(bAscending? "Ascending column sort" ELSE "Descending sort")
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/16/2022

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