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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Image control
  • Overview
  • Creating an image animated by WINDEV/WINDEV Mobile/WEBDEV
  • Using an animated image in a WINDEV/WINDEV Mobile application or in a WEBDEV website
  • Using an animated image in a WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile application
  • Using an animated image in a WEBDEV website
  • Programming an animated image
WindowsLinuxJavaReports and QueriesUser code (UMC)
WindowsLinuxPHPWEBDEV - Browser code
AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile and WEBDEV allow you to handle several types of animated images:
  • The images animated by default. These images have an animated image format (animated GIF for example). These animated images are automatically managed. No specific configuration is required.
    Android The images animated by default (animated GIF for example) are not available.
  • The images animated by WINDEV/WINDEV Mobile/WEBDEV. These images contain all animation drawings.
WEBDEV - Server code Note: WEBDEV can also:
This help page explains how to handle the images animated by WINDEV, WINDEV Mobile and WEBDEV.
Creating an image animated by WINDEV/WINDEV Mobile/WEBDEV
To create an animated image:
  1. Create an image file.
  2. In this image file, insert the different animation drawings. These drawings can be organized in rows or in columns, or in a combination of rows and columns.
Please note: Each design must be the same size, and the space between each design must be identical.
Using an animated image in a WINDEV/WINDEV Mobile application or in a WEBDEV website

Using an animated image in a WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile application

To use a custom animated image in a WINDEV or WINDEV Mobile application:
  1. Create an Image control.
  2. Open the control description window ("Description" in the context menu of the Image control).
  3. On the "General" tab, select the file containing the animated image.
  4. On the "Details" tab, configure the animation options. Choose the type of animation and configure the associated options.
The options may differ according to the selected display mode.
The "one-way" and "alternate" options are used to configure the mode for reading the drawings of the image file. The images can be read from left to right and from top to bottom ("standard direction") or in the "reverse direction".
You can specify:
  • The display time for each drawing of the animation ("Duration/Image").
  • The number of drawings found in width and in height in the image file. Depending on the specified number, the image will be automatically divided into as many drawings as necessary.
The animation will be performed by displaying each drawing at regular time interval.
WEBDEV - Server code

Using an animated image in a WEBDEV website

To use a custom animated image in a WEBDEV website:
  1. Create an Image control.
  2. Open the control description window ("Description" in the context menu of the Image control).
  3. In the "General" tab:
    • Select the file containing the animated image.
    • Check "The image is an animation sheet" and configure the animation options in the window that opens.
      • The "one-way" and "alternate" options are used to configure the mode for reading the drawings of the image file. The images can be read from left to right and from top to bottom ("standard direction") or in the "reverse direction".
      • The display duration of each animation drawing ("Duration between each image" option).
      • The number of drawings found in width and in height in the image file. Depending on the specified number, the image will be automatically divided into as many drawings as necessary.
The animation will be performed by displaying each drawing at regular time interval.
Programming an animated image
Several WLanguage functions are used to manage the animated images. These functions are as follows:
AnimationGetParameterReads the value of one of the animation parameters defined for an Image or Static Text control.
AnimationSetModeChanges the type of animation:
  • for an image in an Image control.
  • for a text in a static text control.
AnimationSetParameterChanges one of the animation parameters used for:
  • an animated image (in an Image control),
  • an animated text (in a Static Text control).
Several WLanguage properties are used to manage the animated images. These properties are as follows:
AnimationThe Animation property animates an image.
InitialAnimationThe InitialAnimation property determines whether the animation of an Image, Button, Static or Carousel control is enabled when the control is created.
Related Examples:
The Image control (animations) Unit examples (WINDEV): The Image control (animations)
[ + ] Animating an image with WINDEV.
Two main topics are presented in this example:
1/ animated drawings ('image to animate')
2/ one-way and two-way animations.

This example presents some features proposed by WINDEV to animate images.
This list is not an exhaustive list ; indeed, by combining the different modes, the number of possible animations exceeds 2,000.
This example proposes animations without code as well as programmed animations.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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