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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Image control
  • Overview of Image control
  • Control found in a window, page or report
  • Creating an Image control
  • In a window or page
  • In a report
  • Multilingual images
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Overview of Image control

Control found in a window, page or report

The Image control is used to:
  • Display static images or animated images in your applications.
  • Draw.
  • Display charts created with the chart designer. However, we recommend that you use a Chart control.
  • Run specific processes when the user clicks the image (equivalent to the click areas of WINDEV 5.5).
  • Display videos with to MCI functions.
  • WINDEV Display PDF files.
    WINDEV This feature requires the GDI+ framework.
Creating an Image control

In a window or page

To create an Image control in a window or page:
  1. On the "Creation" tab, in the "Usual controls" group, click "Image".
  2. Click where the control will be created in the window or page. The control appears in the editor.
To view the control characteristics, select "Description" in the context menu of the control. The main available options are presented:
To edit the image of an Image control, select "Edit image" in the context menu. The image editor is automatically started. For more details, see Image editor.

In a report

To create an Image control:
  1. On the "Creation" tab, in the "Visual" group, click "Image".
  2. Click where you want to create the control. The control appears in the editor.
To view the characteristics of the control, select "Description" in the context menu.
To select the image (or the PDF file) displayed by the control, click the button, "Browse" option.
For more information on the image display mode and transparency, see Choosing the image display mode.
Multilingual images
If your application is a multilingual application, a different image can be selected for each language. This option is useful for images with text, for example.
To manage the multilingual images:
  1. Open the description of the Image control, "General" tab.
  2. Click , then select "Multilingual". The multilingual image management window opens. By default, the same file is associated with all languages supported by the window, page or report.
  3. For each language, click the button, "Browse" option, and select the image corresponding to the language. At runtime, the corresponding image will be displayed according to the language selected by Nation.
Attention: Only image files are managed by the multilingual, not the image display characteristics.
Note: If a multilingual image has been set, the message "<Multilingual Value>" appears in the area corresponding to the image file name in the Image Field Description window.
Related Examples:
The Image control Unit examples (WINDEV): The Image control
[ + ] Using an Image control.
The Image control (animations) Unit examples (WINDEV): The Image control (animations)
[ + ] Animating an image with WINDEV.
Two main topics are presented in this example:
1/ animated drawings ('image to animate')
2/ one-way and two-way animations.

This example presents some features proposed by WINDEV to animate images.
This list is not an exhaustive list ; indeed, by combining the different modes, the number of possible animations exceeds 2,000.
This example proposes animations without code as well as programmed animations.
Drag and drop Unit examples (WINDEV): Drag and drop
[ + ] Using Drag & Drop with the WLanguage functions.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ How to manage Drag&Drop between WINDEV controls
2/ How to manage Drag&Drop from the Windows file explorer to a WINDEV control
Drag & Drop is used to move objects via the mouse. "Drag" consists in clicking an object and moving the mouse while keeping the left button down. "Drop" consists in releasing the left mouse button.
Drag & Drop can be used with WINDEV on the List Box, TreeView, Table and Image controls.
WD Lasso Training (WINDEV): WD Lasso
[ + ] This program, powered by WINDEV, uses a selection lasso in an image control to perform a zoom in a preview control.
The CLasso class is supplied with this example in order to facilitate the implementation of a selection lasso in a WINDEV application
WD Schedule Complete examples (WINDEV): WD Schedule
[ + ] This example presents the management of a graphic schedule.

The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ the scheduler control
2/ the Google Calendar functions
The Image control (display a PDF or a TIFF) Unit examples (WINDEV): The Image control (display a PDF or a TIFF)
[ + ] Displaying a PDF or TIFF document in the Image control found in a window.
Image rotation Unit examples (WINDEV): Image rotation
[ + ] Image rotation from any point that will be used as rotation center.
The Image control (animations and transitions) Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Image control (animations and transitions)
[ + ] Presenting animation and effect features proposed in WEBDEV and WLanguage on the Image control.
The Image control (simulate a slider) Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Image control (simulate a slider)
[ + ] This example explains how to simulate a slider via an image control, to assign a mark symbolized by stars in this case.
WW_Auto_Zoom Training (WEBDEV): WW_Auto_Zoom
[ + ] This example offers a control template based on an image that displays an image thumbnail and through a click, enlarges the image without disturbing the page's layout.
- The images cannot be loaded from a database
- The control template cannot be included in a looper
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 01/16/2025

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