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Help / Developing an application or website / Controls, windows and pages / Controls: Available types / Tab control
  • Overview of the Tab control
  • Creating a Tab control
  • Vocabulary associated with the Tab control
  • Limitations
  • Limitations in Java
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Overview of the Tab control
The Tab control is used to simultaneously display different controls. When a tab pane is enabled:
  • the controls associated with the tab pane are displayed in the window or page.
  • the controls associated with another tab pane are not shown,
  • the controls that are not associated with any tab pane keep the same state.
Creating a Tab control
WINDEVJava To create a Tab control:
  1. On the "Creation" tab, in the "Containers" group, expand "Tab and associated" and select "Tab".
  2. Click at the desired location to create the control. The control appears in the editor.
Note: The dimensions of the field created are optimized to occupy the space available at the position indicated.. If the field size doesn't suit you, use the Ctrl + Z key combination: the field will return to its default size.
To view the characteristics of the control, select "Description" in the context menu.
The description window of the control is used to:
Vocabulary associated with the Tab control
To easily handle a Tab control, you must be familiar with the following vocabulary:
TabTab button used to switch the active view to the corresponding pane. The tab can contain an image or a text. This text can be composed of several lines separated by CR.
Tab paneArea that contains the controls associated with the tab.
WINDEV Dynamic tab
WINDEV Tab displaying an internal window. Used to create a web browser-like interface:
  • tabs can be "detached" from the main window.
  • tabs can be reorganized.
  • it is possible to close and open tabs.
For more details, see Dynamic tabs.
WINDEV Static tab
WINDEV Standard tab, as opposed to dynamic tabs.

Limitations in Java

The following characteristics are not supported in Java:
  • image associated with the text of tabs.
  • tab pane images.
  • help number associated with the tab.
  • position of tabs. By default, tabs are positioned at the top of the control.
  • image display mode.
  • dynamic tabs.
Related Examples:
WD Search On Composite Keys Training (WINDEV): WD Search On Composite Keys
[ + ] Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
This example explains how to implement filters or searches on HFSQL files.
On the first tab, you have the ability to perform different searches and to see the result of your search.
On the second tab, you have the ability to implement a filter by using the composite keys and to see the result issued from your filter.
The Tab control Unit examples (WEBDEV): The Tab control
[ + ] The Tab control is also available in WEBDEV.
This control is presented in this example.
To add a Tab control in a page, you only need to click on the ribbon and drop it wherever you want in the page.
Then, to define all the control's parameters, you need to open the description.
You can define the different panes, their caption, their styles, ...
Everything is customizable.
And eventually, you can drop your controls in the differents panes.
WD SystemInfo Sample components (WINDEV): WD SystemInfo
[ + ] WD SystemInfo
This example explains how to use the SystemInfo component.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ getting information about the operating system
2/ getting information about the user
3/ the browse of the network neighborhood by programing
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
This example presents the features of the SystemInfo component.
A window containing three tabs is opened when starting the example.
Each tab presents one of the component features.
1/ Getting information about the operating system
The functions supplied in the SystemInfo component (see its documentation for more details) are used to get various information about the operating system and the computer: system version, makes and number of processors, amount of physical memory installed, etc.
2/ Getting information about the user
The SystemInfo component can also be used to find out (on the NT, 2000 and XP systems only) the name of the user in session as well as the list of local groups and the list of domain groups to which he belongs.
3/ The browse of the network neighborhood by programming
The third feature proposed by the component is used to browse the network neighborhood of the computer by programming. The returned information depend on the network client used (Microsoft client or Novell client for example) and it is used to enumerate the resources found on the local network: computers, printers, shared disks, etc.

The modification of the source code of the example and/or component must be performed by an experienced user only. Indeed, unexpected modifications may cause a loss of data and/or an inconstancy of your system
WD Multi-Windowing Training (WINDEV): WD Multi-Windowing
[ + ] This example presents the basic concepts for managing the multi-windowing and the dynamic tabs with WINDEV.

This example includes a simple interface for managing the customer forms:
- multi-windowing with MDI interface,
- multi tabs with a dynamic tab control.
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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