[ + ] WD SystemInfo
This example explains how to use the SystemInfo component.
The following topics are presented in this example:
1/ getting information about the operating system
2/ getting information about the user
3/ the browse of the network neighborhood by programing
Summary of the example supplied with WINDEV:
This example presents the features of the SystemInfo component.
A window containing three tabs is opened when starting the example.
Each tab presents one of the component features.
1/ Getting information about the operating system
The functions supplied in the SystemInfo component (see its documentation for more details) are used to get various information about the operating system and the computer: system version, makes and number of processors, amount of physical memory installed, etc.
2/ Getting information about the user
The SystemInfo component can also be used to find out (on the NT, 2000 and XP systems only) the name of the user in session as well as the list of local groups and the list of domain groups to which he belongs.
3/ The browse of the network neighborhood by programming
The third feature proposed by the component is used to browse the network neighborhood of the computer by programming. The returned information depend on the network client used (Microsoft client or Novell client for example) and it is used to enumerate the resources found on the local network: computers, printers, shared disks, etc.
The modification of the source code of the example and/or component must be performed by an experienced user only. Indeed, unexpected modifications may cause a loss of data and/or an inconstancy of your system