- Overview
- Displaying an image file in an Image control
- In a window
- In a page
- Retrieving the name of the image file displayed in the Image control
- In a window
- In a page
- Retrieving the position of the mouse in a clickable image
- Clearing or reinitializing the content of an Image control
- Properties specific to Image controls
Manipulating Image controls programmatically
WINDEV, WEBDEV and WINDEV Mobile allow you to manipulate an Image control programmatically. To do so, use the variable of the Image control in the code. The variable of Image control corresponds to the name of Image control. This variable is a text variable. Displaying an image file in an Image control Retrieving the name of the image file displayed in the Image control Retrieving the position of the mouse in a clickable image Clearing or reinitializing the content of an Image control To clear or reinitialize an Image control, all you have to do is assign an empty string to the Image control. For example: Properties specific to Image controls
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