Help / Editors / Report editor / Types of reports
  • Overview
  • Creating a label report
  • Creation
  • Information specific to the creation of labels
  • Modifying the characteristics of labels
  • WLanguage properties associated with the label reports
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Stored procedures
The report editor allows you to create "Label" reports. In this case, the report contains a Body block in which one or more labels are printed.
For example:
Creating a label report


  1. To create a "Label" report, click in the quick access buttons:
    • The new element window appears: click "Report" then "Report".
    • The report creation wizard starts. In the wizard, select "Label".
  2. In this wizard, you must specify:
    • the data source of the report (data file, query, ...). For more details, see Report data source.
    • the information specific to the creation of labels.

Information specific to the creation of labels

The information specific to the creation of labels is as follows:
  • the number of identical copies that will be printed for each label.
  • the format of labels and/or the format of label sheet. This format can correspond to:
    • a custom format:
      1. Select the "<Custom>" element in the "Make" combo box.
      2. Specify the format of label sheet on which the labels will be printed.
      3. Specify the format of labels.
      4. Specify the number of labels that will be printed across the page width.
    • a preset format:
      1. Select the make of labels used in the "Make" combo box.
      2. Select the model of labels used in the "Model" combo box.
      3. The information specific to the labels used (caption, size of labels and number of labels printed across the page width) is displayed.
        Remark: Check the "Inch" option to display the size of labels in inches.

Modifying the characteristics of labels

Once the "Label" report is created, the characteristics of the labels can be modified at any time: on the "Modification" tab, in the "Report" group, click "Format and labels".
WLanguage properties associated with the label reports
The following properties are associated with the "Label" reports. These properties are used to dynamically configure (by programming) the format and print mode of labels.
Remark: These properties can only be used on the "Label" reports.
HSpaceThe HSpace property is used to determine and modify the horizontal spacing between labels in a report. This spacing was defined when creating the Label report.
LabelHeightThe LabelHeight property is used to:
  • Find out the height of labels in a Label report.
  • Modify the height of labels in a Label report.
LabelNumberToStartThe LabelNumberToStart property is used to:
  • Find out the number of the label on the label sheet from which the print will be performed.
  • Modify the number of the label from which the print will be performed on the label sheet.
LabelWidthThe LabelWidth property is used to:
  • Find out the width of labels in a "Label" report.
  • Modify the width of labels in a "Label" report.
NbLabelThe NbLabel property is used to:
  • Find out the number of labels printed across the page width.
  • Modify the number of labels printed across the page width.
NbLabelCopyThe NbLabelCopy property is used to:
  • Get the number of copies of identical labels.
  • Change the number of copies of identical labels.
VSpaceThe VSpace property is used to get and change the vertical spacing between the labels in a report. This spacing was defined when creating the Label report.
Related Examples:
The Bar Code control Unit examples (WINDEV): The Bar Code control
[ + ] Using a Bar Code control
WD Reports Training (WINDEV): WD Reports
[ + ] This example presents the different methods for creating a report:

- prints based on different data sources (queries, variables, ...)
- prints based on controls (Table, Spreadsheet, PVT, ...)
- printing composite reports
- specific prints (portrait/landscape, report with watermark, report with bar code, ...)
Minimum version required
  • Version 9
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Last update: 06/22/2023

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