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Note: These functions are also available in prefix syntax (HTML document functions (prefix syntax)).
The following functions handle HTML documents:
HTMLBuildStringGenerates a UTF-8 string containing an HTML document.
HTMLEnableDebuggerEnable HTML/Javascript debugger on CEF (Chromium)-based HTML fields: HTML Display control or HTML Editor control.
HTMLFindElementByClassSearches for elements whose "class" attribute matches a specific value in an HTML document (or in an HTML node).
HTMLFindElementByIDSearches for the element whose "ID" attribute matches a specific value in an HTML document (or in an HTML node).
HTMLFindElementByNameSearches for elements whose "name" attribute matches a specific value in an HTML document (or in an HTML node).
HTMLFindElementByTagSearches for elements that correspond to a tag in an HTML document (or an HTML node).
HTMLInsertAfterAdds a node after the specified node in an HTML document.
HTMLInsertBeforeAdds a node before the specified node in an HTML document.
HTMLInsertFirstChildAdds a child at the start of the children of the current node in an HTML document.
HTMLInsertLastChildAdds a child after the child of the current node in an HTML document.
HTMLModifyAttributeAdds or changes an attribute of the current node of the HTML document.
HTMLOpenCreates an htmlDocument variable from an HTML document.
HTMLRemoveRemoves the specified node and its descendants in an HTML document.
HTMLRemoveAttributeRemoves a given attribute
HTMLRemoveChildRemoves a given node in the current node of an HTML document.
HTMLSaveSaves the content of an htmlDocument variable to an HTML file.
HTMLToPDFConverts an HTML string or buffer to a buffer containing a PDF document.
HTMLUnwrapAllChildrenDeletes the specified node in an HTML document without deleting its children, which take its place.
HTMLWrapWraps the specified node in a given node of an HTML document.
HTMLWrapAllChildrenWraps all children of the given node in a new node in an HTML document.
Minimum version required
  • Version 26
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Last update: 09/20/2024

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