SpeechSynthesisListVoices (Function) In french: SynthèseVocaleListeVoix Returns the list of voices available on the device for the speech synthesis engine. BestVoice is SpeechSynthesisVoice  // List the voices arrVoices is array of SpeechSynthesisVoice arrVoices = SpeechSynthesisListVoices()  FOR EACH Voice OF arrVoices // Displays the language of the voice in the trace Trace(LanguageToName(Voice.Language, Voice.SubLanguage)) // Select the English voice with the best quality IF BestVoice.Quality < Voice.Quality AND Voice.Language = languageEnglish THEN BestVoice = Voice END  SpeechSynthesisInitialize(BestVoice)
<Result> = SpeechSynthesisListVoices()
Component: wd300android.aar
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