<Array>.Distinct (Function) In french: <Tableau>.Distinct Returns an array without duplicates. The following arrays can be handled: - One-dimensional array of simple elements (int, real, string).
- One-dimensional array of structures. Duplicates are deleted according to the value of one or more members.
arrMyArray1 is array of int
arrMyDistinct is array of int
arrMyDistinct = arrMyArray1.Distinct()
<Result> = <WLanguage array>.Distinct()
<Result>: Array Array variable that contains the array without duplicates. <WLanguage array>: Array Name of the Array variable to use. This array must be a one-dimensional array. Remarks VariousYou can also delete the duplicates in an array using <Array>.DeleteDuplicate. - <Array>.DeleteDuplicate directly manipulates the array passed as parameter.
- <Array>.Distinct does not modify the array passed as parameter and returns a new array without the duplicates.
Sequence of functions You can use array functions in a sequence. The following functions can be used in a sequence: This sequence can be used as a source for a FOR ALL statement or it can end with one of the following functions: Example:
gnMoyenne = gtabUser.Filtre(cbFiltre).Map(cbTransforme).Mean()
Business / UI classification: Business Logic
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