WLanguage procedure called by AddLink Procedure ("Callback") called by AddLink. // == Global declarations of the window == arrLinkTarget is array of strings
// == Click on the Button control "Add a note" == LinkRank is int Destination is string  // Asks for a note to associate with the link IF Input("Enter a note associated with this link: ", Destination) = 1 THEN  // Stores the note in an array LinkRank = Add(arrLinkTarget, Destination)  // Adds the link into the edit control AddLink(EDT_Edit, EDT_Edit.Cursor, ... EDT_Edit.CursorEnd, ClickOnLink, LinkRank) END
PROCEDURE ClickOnLink(LinkRank is int)
InfoBuild("The rating associated with link %1 is: %2", LinkRank, ...
AddLink:Callback(<Procedure parameter>)
<Procedure parameter>: Variant Parameter passed to the procedure when the link is clicked on. This parameter has been specified in the call syntax of AddLink.
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