- Properties specific to picText variables
picText (Variable type) In french: picTexte
The picText type is used to define all the advanced characteristics of a Text layer. You can define and change the characteristics of this Text layer using different WLanguage properties. Warning: This type of variable is only used with picLayer type variables.. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable. sFichier is string = fRepExe() + ["\"] + "ImgSource.jpg"
MonWDPic is WDPic = sFichier
CalqueFiligrane is picLayer
CalqueFiligrane.Name = "Filigrane"
CalqueFiligrane.Width = MonWDPic.Width
CalqueFiligrane.Height = MonWDPic.Height
CalqueFiligrane.Type = typeLayerText
CalqueFiligrane.Texte.Police.Nom = "Arial"
CalqueFiligrane.Texte.Police.Taille = 100
CalqueFiligrane.Texte.Police.Angle = -45
CalqueFiligrane.Texte.Police.Couleur = iDarkBlue
CalqueFiligrane.Texte.CadrageHorizontal = haCenter
CalqueFiligrane.Texte.CadrageVertical = vaMiddle
CalqueFiligrane.Text = "Mon texte de test"
ArrayAdd(MonWDPic.Layer, CalqueFiligrane)
EI_SansNom1 = MonWDPic
Info("A suivre ...")
CalqueFiligrane.Text = "Mon filigrane"
EI_SansNom1 = MonWDPic
Info("A suivre ...")
sNouveauFichier is string = fRepExe() + ["\"] + "ImgDestination.wdpic"
MonNouveauWDPic is WDPic = sNouveauFichier
CalqueFiligrane.Texte.Police.Angle = 30
CalqueFiligrane.Texte.Police.Taille = 150
CalqueFiligrane.Texte.Police.Couleur = iDarkRed
CalqueFiligrane.Text = "Mon filigrane version 3"
EI_SansNom1 = MonNouveauWDPic
Remarks Properties specific to picText variables The following properties can be used to handle a Text layer: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
Font | Font variable | Characteristics of the font used for the text. | HorizontalAlignment | Integer constant | Horizontal alignment of text in the layer:- chCentre (Default): Toast message displayed in the center.
- chRight: Toast message displayed on the right.
- chLeft: Toast message displayed on the left.
| Opacity | Integer | Text opacity percentage. This percentage goes from 0 (completely invisible) to 100 (completely opaque). | Text | Character string | Text of the text layer. | VerticalAlignment | Integer constant | Vertical alignment of text in the layer:- cvBas (Default): Toast message displayed at bottom.
- cvHaut: Toast message displayed at the top.
- cvMilieu: Toast message displayed in the middle.
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