- Tips
- hCompatible: conditions allowing structures to be considered incompatible
<Source>.CheckStructure (Function) In french: <Source>.VérifieStructure
 Available only with these kinds of connection
Defines the mode for comparing data files. This comparison is performed when the data files are opened. Are compared: - the structure of the HFSQL data file defined in the analysis,
- the real structure of physical HFSQL data file.
By default, these two structures must be strictly identical in order to handle the data file. Depending on the selected mode, a WLanguage error may occur if incompatible structures are found. In this case, you need to run an automatic data file modification ( <Source>.ModifyStructure). Remark: The description used by the application always corresponds to the description of the physical HFSQL file.
<Result> = <Source>.CheckStructure(<Management mode>)
<Result>: Integer constant Old description mode (before the call to <Source>.CheckStructure). <Source>: Type corresponding to the specified source Name of the data file used. <Management mode>: Integer constant Selected management mode: | | hCompatible (default value) | The structures of data files must be compatible. If one of the following operations is performed, the structures are considered as being incompatible:- Adding a unique key item (except an automatic identifier).
- Switching a key with duplicates into unique key.
- Deleting or renaming an item.
- Changing the type of an item (except changing from text to Unicode text).
- Reducing the size of item.
- Reducing the integer part or the decimal part of a Numeric item.
- An item becomes a non-key item.
- Deleting a full-text index.
- Adding or deleting items to/from a full-text index (however, the creation of a new full-text item is compatible).
| hIdentical
| The structures must be strictly identical. | hNoCheck | No check is performed, the analysis description may differ from the description of physical file. |
Remarks Tips <Source>.CheckStructure must be used: - before establishing the connection to avoid the calls to the server.
- before opening the data files.
hCompatible: conditions allowing structures to be considered incompatible If any of the following differences exist between the description of the data file present in the analysis and the description of the data file recorded in the physical file, the structures are considered by the HFSQL engine to be incompatible: an automatic modification is required. | | | Structure in the analysis | Structure read in the physical data file | Possible consequence | - automatic identifier or - key with duplicates or - non-key item | Unique key and not automatic identifier | A duplicate error may occur when adding a record.
Note: If only reads are performed on the data file, no problems will occur. | Using the "XXX" item | The "XXX" item does not exist | Adding a value for an item that does not exist in the physical file. | The "XXX" item was renamed. | Different type of item | Invalid conversion when assigning the value to the item. Value assigned to the truncated item. Change of operating mode: - Exact-match search only
- Browse performed on the record number
| Different size of item | Key item | Non-key item |
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