<Source>.CheckUnaltered (Function) In french: <Source>.VérifieInaltéré
 Available only with these kinds of connection
Checks that one or all records in an unalterable data file have not been modified (e.g. with a hexadecimal editor). Warning: A corrupted record can be read if the record header is not corrupted. // Check all records found in MyCustomerFile IF MyCustomerFile.CheckUnaltered() = True THEN Trace("No record was modified") ELSE Trace("The file was altered") END
<Result> = <Source>.CheckUnaltered([<Record> [, <Progress Bar>]])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the record was not altered,
- False otherwise. In this case, ErrorInfo returns the list of altered records.
<Source>: Type corresponding to the specified source Name of the HFSQL data file to check. <Record>: Optional integer or Integer constant - Number of the record to check.
- Constant used to specify the record to check:
| | hCurrentRecNum | Check the current record. | hRecNumAll (Default value) | Check all records. |
<Progress Bar>: Optional control name or window name - Name of the window in which the progress bar will be displayed.
- Name of the Progress Bar control.
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