- Coordinates
- Drawing in an image with opacity
- Drawing in PHP
- Drawing in Browser code
<picLayer variable>.PixelOpacity (Function) In french: <Variable picCalque>.PixelOpacité Identifies the opacity of a pixel in an image (in a variable of type picLayer) with an Alpha channel.
MonImageWDPic is WDPic = "Test.gif"
MonCalque is picLayer
ResOpacité = MonCalque.PixelOpacité(15, 25)
IMG_MonDessin = MonImageWDPic
<Result> = <picLayer image>.PixelOpacity(<X-coordinate> , <Y-coordinate>)
<Result>: Integer Opacity of specified pixel (included between 0 for transparent and 255 for opaque). <picLayer image>: picLayer variable Name of the picLayer variable to be used. <X-coordinate>: Integer Horizontal position of pixel to use. <Y-coordinate>: Integer Vertical position of pixel to use. Remarks Coordinates Coordinates are given in pixels with respect to the upper-left corner of the image (coordinates: (0.0)). Drawing in an image with opacity
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