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<Image variable>.VerticalSymmetry (Function) In french: <Variable Image>.SymétrieVerticale Flips an image contained in a variable of type Image with respect to a vertical axis (symmetry with respect to a vertical axis). MonImage is Image = "Test.gif"
MonRésultat is boolean
MonRésultat = MonImage.SymétrieVerticale()
IF MonRésultat = False THEN Error("L'opération a échoué")
IMG_MonDessin = MonImage
<Result> = <Image variable>.VerticalSymmetry()
<Result>: Boolean - True if the symmetry was performed,
- False otherwise.
<Image variable>: Image variable Name of the Image variable to be used.The symmetry is performed in relation to the median vertical axis of the image. The image is directly modified. Remarks End of drawing If <WDPic variable>.EndDrawing and <Image variable>.VerticalSymmetry are called in the same process, the image changes will not be displayed.
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