- Use in prefix syntax
- Characteristics of drawings in the browser
- Drawing in Browser code
- Drawing with opacity
- Drawing in PHP
<Image variable>.StartDrawing (Function) In french: <Variable Image>.DébutDessin Indicates that the drawing functions that will be used are intended for a variable of type Image. Remark: Function <Image variable>.StartDrawing initializes all parameters required to create (or continue) a drawing for a given element. MonImage is Image = "Test.gif"
ResDessin = MonImage.DébutDessin()
IMG_MonDessin = MonImage
MonImage is Image = "Test.gif"
MonImage.Font("Arial", 12, iNormal, 0)
MonImage.DessineTexte(4, 0, "J'écris mon texte dans une variable Image!")
IMG_MonDessin = MonImage
<Result> = <Image variable>.StartDrawing([<Options>])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the drawing was initialized,
- False otherwise.
<Image variable>: Image variable Name of the Image variable to be used. <Options>: Optional Integer constant (or combination of constants) Drawing options: | | dGridlinesOpacity | The drawing is displayed over gridlines in order to highlight the transparent or semi-transparent sections of the drawing. The gridlines are not saved in the image.
| dNoErase | Does not erase the drawing in the variable. | dOnChart | Used to draw in a variable in which a chart has already been drawn. In this case, the chart drawing is not erased.
| dWithOpacity | Allows managing opacity in the different drawing functions used with the variable. Used for example to create a PNG drawing with an Alpha channel. |
No drawing option is used if this parameter is not specified. Remarks Use in prefix syntax <Image variable>.StartDrawing must be called before the other drawing functions. <Image variable>.StartDrawing makes it possible to define the drawing options used on the Image variable.
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Unit examples (WINDEV): The drawing functions
[ + ] Using the main drawing functions of WINDEV to: - Initialize an Image control for drawing - Draw simple shapes - Write a text into a drawing - Change the color in a drawing
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