Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Drawing functions
  • Coordinates
  • Drawing with opacity or anti-aliasing
  • Drawing in PHP
  • Drawing in Browser code
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AndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetApple WatchMac Catalyst
Stored procedures
Draws a polygon in an Image variable.
Linux Caution: Using this function under Linux requires a specific configuration.. For more details, see The drawings.
MyImage is Image = "Test.gif"
// Draw a 4-side polygon whose 
// background is light yellow and whose border is light blue
MyImage.DrawPolygon(4, 10, 20, 20, 50, 40, 60, 50, 10, LightYellow, LightBlue)
IMG_MyDrawing = MyImage

Building a polygon point by point Hide the details

<Image variable>.DrawPolygon(<Number of sides> , <X1> , <Y1> , <X2> , <Y2> [, <X3> , <Y3> [... [, <Xn> , <Yn>]]] [, <Background color> [, <Side color>]])
<Image variable>: Image variable
Name of the Image variable to be used.
<Number of sides>: Integer
Number of sides in the polygon (up to 23 sides). This parameter defines the number of <X>, <Y> pairs to specify in the function.
<X1>: Integer
X-coordinate of first point of the polygon. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
<Y1>: Integer
Y-coordinate of first point of the polygon. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
<X2>: Integer
X-coordinate of second point of the polygon. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
<Y2>: Integer
Y-coordinate of second point of the polygon. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
<X3>: Integer
X-coordinate of 3rd point of the polygon. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
<Y3>: Integer
Y-coordinate of 3rd point of the polygon. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
<Xn>: Optional integer
X-coordinate of nth point of the polygon. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
<Yn>: Optional integer
Y-coordinate of nth point of the polygon. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
<Background color>: Integer or constant (optional)
Polygon background color. This color can correspond to:
If this parameter is not specified, the background color:
<Side color>: Integer or constant (optional)
Color of polygon sides. This color can correspond to:
If this parameter is not specified, the line color:

Building a polygon via an array of X and Y-coordinates Hide the details

<Image variable>.DrawPolygon(<Array of coordinates> [, <Background color> [, <Side color>]])
<Image variable>: Image variable
Name of the Image variable to be used.
<Array of coordinates>: Array of integers or array of points
  • WLanguage array of integers containing the coordinates of polygon points. The even indexes represent the X-coordinates while the odd indexes represent the Y-coordinates of the points. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
  • WINDEVWEBDEV - Server codeAndroidiPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac CatalystJava WLanguage array of Point variables containing the coordinates of the polygon points. These coordinates are expressed in pixels.
<Background color>: Integer or constant (optional)
Polygon background color. This color can correspond to:If this parameter is not specified, the background color:
<Side color>: Integer or constant (optional)
Color of polygon sides. This color can correspond to:If this parameter is not specified, the line color:
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Building a polygon from a variable of type Polygon Hide the details

<Image variable>.DrawPolygon(<Polygon> [, <Background color> [, <Side color>]])
<Image variable>: Image variable
Name of the Image variable to be used.
<Polygon>: Polygon variable
Name of the Polygon variable that describes the different points of the polygon.
<Background color>: Integer or constant (optional)
Polygon background color. This color can correspond to:If this parameter is not specified, the background color:
<Side color>: Integer or constant (optional)
Color of polygon sides. This color can correspond to:If this parameter is not specified, the line color:


Drawing a polygon:
MyImage.DrawPolygon(5, 80, 10, 10, 150, 100, 200, 160, 80, 140, 40)
Drawing a polygon
Coordinates are specified with respect to the upper-left corner of the image (coordinates: (0.0)).
Important: It's not necessary to close the polygon (the coordinates of the last point don't have to be equal to the coordinates of the first point).. The polygon is automatically "closed".
Limits: a polygon can have a maximum of 100,000 points in WINDEV, WEBDEV and Java, and 1,000 points in Windows CE.
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Drawing with opacity or anti-aliasing

In the case of an opacity drawing (function <Image variable>.StartDrawing with constant dWithOpacity) or anti-aliasing (function <Image variable>.ChangeMode with constant drawingAntiAliasing), the outline is drawn on top of the polygon interior: the line is therefore partly combined with the polygon interior. If the line is very thick, it will be displayed in two colors.
Related Examples:
The drawing functions Unit examples (WINDEV): The drawing functions
[ + ] Using the main drawing functions of WINDEV to:
- Initialize an Image control for drawing
- Draw simple shapes
- Write a text into a drawing
- Change the color in a drawing
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300pnt.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 24
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Last update: 09/26/2024

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