- Fonts
- Fonts in PHP
- Drawing in PHP
- Drawing in Browser code
<Image variable>.Font (Function) In french: <Variable Image>.Police MonImage is Image = "Test.gif"
MonImage.Font("Arial", 12, iBold)
IMG_MonDessin = MonImage
Using a specific font for the drawings Hide the details
<Image variable>.Font(<Font> [, <Font size> [, <Font attributes> [, <Text inclination>]]])
<Image variable>: Image variable Name of the Image variable to be used. <Font>: Character string Name of the font used when the text is drawn by <Image variable>.DrawText. This parameter must not correspond to a font family. The list of fonts installed on the current computer is returned by FontList. <Font size>: Optional integer Size of the font (in pixels). The default value is 12. <Font attributes>: Optional constant (or combination of constants) Font attributes to use: | | iBold | Assigns the bold attribute to the text drawn. | iItalic | Assigns the italic attribute to the text drawn. | iNormal (Default value) | Normalizes the text drawn | iStrikeOut | Strikes the text drawn.
| iUnderlined | Underlines the text drawn.
<Text inclination>: Optional integer Specifies the inclination of the text (in degrees). The default value is 0. Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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