<Edit>.InsertToken (Function) In french: <Saisie>.InsèreJeton Inserts a token into a "Text token" Edit control.
EDT_Recipient.InsertToken(1, "ROBOT", "robotmail@address.test.com")
MyToken is Token
MyToken.DisplayedValue = "ROBOT"
MyToken.StoredValue = "robotmail@address.test.com"
EDT_Recipient.InsertToken(1, MyToken)
Inserting a token directly Hide the details
<Result> = <Edit control>.InsertToken(<Position> , <Value> [, <Caption>])
<Result>: Integer - Real index of the inserted token,
- 0 if an error occurs:
- If the Edit control is not a "Text token" control (the TokenEnabled property is set to False).
- If a duplicate has been detected and the TokenAllowDuplicate property is set to False.
<Edit control>: Control name Name of the "Text token" Edit control. <Position>: Integer Token insertion index. - If <Position> is greater than the number of tokens in the control, the token is added at the end of the existing tokens (<Edit>.AddToken).
- If <Position> is set to 0, the token is added at the beginning.
- If <Position> is set to -1, <Result> is 0.
<Value>: Character string Token value. <Caption>: Optional character string Token caption. If this value is not specified, it will correspond to the value of the token.
Inserting a token via the Token type Hide the details
<Result> = <Edit control>.InsertToken(<Position> , <Token>)
<Result>: Integer - Real index of the inserted token,
- 0 if an error occurs:
- If the Edit control is not a "Text token" control (the TokenEnabled property is set to False).
- If a duplicate has been detected and the TokenAllowDuplicate property is set to False.
<Edit control>: Control name Name of the "Text token" Edit control. <Position>: Integer Token insertion index. - If <Position> is greater than the number of tokens in the control, the token is added at the end of the existing tokens (<Edit>.AddToken).
- If <Position> is set to 0, the token is added at the beginning.
- If <Position> is set to -1, <Result> is 0.
<Token>: Token variable Name of the Token variable describing the token to add. Remarks - To add a token at the cursor position, use <Edit>.AddToken.
- The edit control StoredValue property returns the stored values for the tokens, separated by the characters <CR> (Carriage Return).
Related Examples:
Unit examples (WINDEV): The Text token edit control
[ + ] Using a "Text token" edit control.
Unit examples (WEBDEV): The text token edit control
[ + ] Using a "Text token" edit control.
Unit examples (WINDEV Mobile): The Text token edit control
[ + ] Using a "Text token" edit control.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
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