- "Request for refreshing the display" event
RequestRefreshUIParent In french: DemandeMiseAJourUIParent When called from the "Request for refreshing the display" event of a supercontrol, control template, internal window or internal page, the function asks for the execution of the event "Request for refreshing the display of the higher level. (This usually means the window, but it can also be a supercontrol a control template or an internal window). This event will be run at the end of the current process. If this function is called several times in the same process, the event "Request for refreshing the display" will only be run once at the end of the current process. Remark: This function is mainly used: // Save process // The graphic interface will have to be refreshed RequestRefreshUIParent()
MySelf.Title = gpclContactForm.p_sFullname
RequestRefreshUIParent([<Parameter 1> [... [, <Parameter N>]]])
<Parameter 1>: Optional parameter corresponding to the type expected by the event "Request for refreshing the display" First parameter that will be passed to the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the window or page. <Parameter N>: Type of value expected by the "Request for refreshing the display" event Nth parameter that will be passed to the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the window or page. Remarks "Request for refreshing the display" event One of the events associated with the window or page is "Request for refreshing the display". This event makes it possible to group the code for refreshing the controls of a window or page: contents of controls, state (visible, grayed out...), text to refresh, etc. This event can receive parameters. Simply declare a procedure in the event. For example:
PROCEDURE AskForRefresh(RefreshType is boolean)
This event is run upon request by the following functions: - RequestRefreshUI: Executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event at the end of the current process (asynchronous execution).
- ExecuteRefreshUI: Immediately executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event.
- RequestRefreshUIElement: Executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the given element at the end of the current process (asynchronous execution).
- ExecuteRefreshUIElement: Immediately executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the given element.
- RequestRefreshUIParent: Executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the higher level at the end of the current process (asynchronous execution).
- ExecuteRefreshUIParent: Immediately executes the "Request for refreshing the display" event of the higher level.
When these functions are called, you can specify the value of the parameters expected by the event. Business / UI classification: Neutral code
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