- Branch of the leaf
- Priority order for the sort
- Duplicates
- Format of collapsed/expanded images
- Type of collapsed/expanded images
- Tip on branch images
<TreeView>.Add (Function) In french: <Arbre>.Ajoute Adds a "leaf" element (and all necessary nodes) into a TreeView control. Example of TreeView control:
Res = ARBRE_RecetteTV.Ajoute("Recettes" + TAB + ...
"Desserts" + TAB + "Glaces", tvDefault, tvDefault, IDFeuille)
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine", tvDefault, tvDefault, "")
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 1", tvDefault, tvDefault, "1")
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 2", tvDefault, tvDefault, "2")
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 3", tvDefault, tvDefault, "3")
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 4", tvDefault, tvDefault, "4")
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 2" + TAB + ...
"Sous Feuille 2-1", tvDefault, tvDefault, "5")
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 2" + TAB + ...
"Sous Feuille 2-2", tvDefault, tvDefault, "6")
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 2" + TAB + ...
"Sous Feuille 2-3", tvDefault, tvDefault, "7")
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 2" + TAB + ...
"Sous Feuille 2-4", tvDefault, tvDefault, "8")
ARBRE_Arbre1.Ajoute("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 2" + TAB + ...
"Sous Feuille 2-5", tvDefault, tvDefault, "9")
ARBRE_Arbre1.SelectPlus("Racine" + TAB + "Feuille 2" + TAB + "Sous Feuille 2-5")
<Result> = <TreeView control>.Add(<Leaf path> [, <Collapsed image> [, <Expanded image> [, <Leaf identifier> [, <Addition mode> [, <Tooltip text>]]]]])
<Result>: Boolean - True if the leaf was added to the TreeView control,
- False otherwise.
<TreeView control>: Control name Name of the TreeView control to be used. <Leaf path>: Character string Full path of leaf that will be added into the TreeView control. This parameter is of the form:
"<Nom de la racine>" + TAB + ["<Nom du 1er noeud>" + TAB + ... ["<Nom du 2ème noeud>" + TAB + [...]]]"<Nom de la feuille>" In case of duplicates on a path element, this path can contain the element identifier (specified after the leaf name by TreeID). <Collapsed image>: Optional character string or constant Image associated with the element. This image is displayed when the element is a collapsed node (see the Notes). At run time, the caption of a collapsed node is preceded by "+".This parameter corresponds to: - the name and full (or relative) path of image. A UNC path can be used.
- the constant:
| | Null | No image | tvDefault (Default value) | Default image (closed folder): |
<Expanded image>: Optional character string or constant Image associated with the element. This image is displayed when the element is an expanded node (see Notes). At runtime, the caption of an expanded node is preceded by "-". This parameter corresponds to: - the name and full (or relative) path of image. A UNC path can be used.
- the constant:
| | Null | No image | tvDefault (Default value) | Default image (opened folder): |
<Leaf identifier>: Character string or integer (optional) Identifier associated with a specific element of the TreeView control. This parameter corresponds to an empty string ("") by default. To associate an identifier with an element that is already created, use <TreeView>.Modify.Caution: - This parameter is mandatory if a duplicate identifier management system has been set up..
- The TAB character is not allowed in the identifiers of elements.
<Addition mode>: Optional constant (or combination of constants) Position of added element (the leaf) in relation to the elements of same level in the TreeView control. | | tvAcceptDuplicate | The duplicates are accepted (two elements on the same level can have the same name). The added leaf is inserted in alphabetical order, among the elements of same level. | tvAlphaSort (Default value) | The added leaf is inserted in alphabetical order, among the elements of same level. | tvFirst | The leaf is added in first position of level. | tvLast | The leaf is added in last position of level. |
<Tooltip text>: Optional character string If this parameter is specified, its content will be displayed in a tooltip when the element is hovered by the mouse cursor. This parameter corresponds to an empty string ("") by default. If no tooltip is associated with the element, the tooltip associated with the TreeView control will be automatically displayed. Remarks Branch of the leaf If one of the higher levels for the added leaf does not exist and if it is not associated with an identifier (management of duplicates), this level is automatically added. The characteristics of this new level (or branch of the element) are as follows: - collapsed image and expanded image by default (tvDefault constant).
- identifier equal to Null,
- addition mode corresponding to the tvLast constant.
A WLanguage error occurs if one of the higher levels of the leaf is associated with an identifier and if this level does not exist or if it is not associated with this identifier. Indeed, the higher levels must be created with their respective identifiers before they can be handled. Priority order for the sort The priority order of parameters for the add mode is as follows: For example, in tvFirst + tvLast + tvAlphaSort, only the tvFirst constant is taken into account. Duplicates Accepting duplicates must be done with great care ( tvAcceptDuplicate constant. Indeed, a specific identifier must be managed to identify the level where the addition must be performed. For more details, see Managing duplicates in the TreeView controls. Some inconsistencies may occur if this management is not performed. For example: If two "Level 2" exist, into which one will "Level 3" be added? There is no way to find out which "Level 2" must be used. By default, the add operation will be performed in the first element found.
If an element that already exists is added into a level, <TreeView>.Add returns False if the mode to define the element was not defined with the tvAcceptDuplicate constant. The element is not added. Format of collapsed/expanded images Type of collapsed/expanded images The images used can be: - image files,
- items of a "Binary Memo" HFSQL data file containing an image.
- drawings created with the graphic string functions.
The specified image is proportionally resized to 16 x 16 pixels: in most cases, the height of the image corresponds to the height of TreeView row.
Remark: The size of images should be set to 16 x 16 pixels (size of small icons). Tip on branch images Caution: If the image name does not change between two calls to <TreeView>.Add, the image is not reloaded in memory (even if its content changed). Example: The following code creates an image with the same name and with a different content, and it uses this image for each call to <TreeView>.Add: in this case, the same image will always be used.
FOR I = 1 TO 10
ARBRE_MonArbre.Ajoute("xx", "xx.BMP")
Solution: To use the proper image, you must give a new name whenever a new image is created. For example:
FOR I = 1 TO 10
ARBRE_MonArbre.Ajoute("xx", "xx" + I + ".BMP")
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