- Properties specific to mqttSession variables
- Authentication mode
- Functions that use mqttSession variables
mqttSession (Variable type) In french: mqttSession
The mqttSession type is used to define the parameters for connecting to the MQTT broker. These connection parameters can be defined and changed by several WLanguage properties. Note: For more details on the declaration of this type of variable and the use of WLanguage properties, see Declaring a variable.
gMqttSession is mqttSession
gMqttSession.Address = SAI_Adresse_Broker
gMqttSession.Port = SAI_Port
gMqttSession.Option = INT_SSL
gMqttSession.ConnectionTimeout = SAI_Timeout_Connexion
gMqttSession.User = SAI_Login
gMqttSession.UserPassword = SAI_PSW
gMqttSession.PrivateKey = SAI_Clé_Privée
gMqttSession.PrivateKeyPassword = SAI_PSW_Clé_Privée
gMqttSession.ClientID = SAI_IDClient
gMqttSession.CleanSession = INT_Session_Vierge
IF MQTTConnect(gMqttSession) THEN
Message("Connexion OK")
Error("Problème de connexion. '" + ErrorInfo() + "')")
Properties Properties specific to mqttSession variables The following properties can be used to handle a MQTT session: | | | Property name | Type used | Effect |
Address | Character string | Address of MQTT server (also called "MQTT broker"). This address can be specified as follows:- IP address in XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX format ( for example).
- IP address containing the server name (MQTTServer for example). This syntax is recommended.
| CleanSession | Boolean | - True to clean the generic global parameters on the server,
- False otherwise.
| ClientID | Character string | Client identifier. This property must not be left empty. | ConnectionTimeout | Integer or Duration | Connection timeout in seconds. This property can correspond to: - an integer corresponding to the number of seconds,
- a Duration variable,
- the duration in a readable format (e.g., 10 s).
| IgnoreError | Integer constant | Specifies the ignored errors. Corresponds to a constant or to a combination of constants: - mqttIgnoreCertificateExpired: Certificate date is ignored.
- mqttIgnoreCertificatInvalide: The certificate is ignored.
- mqttIgnoreNomCertificatInvalide: The name of the site in the certificate is ignored.
- mqttIgnoreRevocation: Certificate revocation is ignored.
| Option | Integer constant | Connection options. This property can correspond to the optionSSL constant for an SSL connection. | Port | Integer | Port of MQTT server. This port correspondsn to 1883 by default (or 8883 for an SSL connection). | PrivateKey | Character string or Certificate variable | Name of the Certificate variable or path of the pem file (to make a private key connection). If this property is set, authentication by key is performed: only the properties User, PrivateKey and PrivateKeyPassword are taken into account.. | PrivateKeyPassword | Character string | Password of the key file (for a private-key based authentication). The PrivateKey property corresponds to the private key to be used. | User | Character string | Username. | UserPassword | Character string | User password (the User property corresponds to the user's name). |
Remarks Authentication mode Key-based authentication takes precedence over password-based authentication. Key-based authentication is used if: - the server supports this authentication mode.
- the PrivateKey property is specified.
Password-based authentication is used if: - the server supports this authentication mode.
- property UserPassword is set.
Functions that use mqttSession variables The following functions use mqttSession variables:
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