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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Chart functions
  • Combination of masks
  • Available masks
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Stored procedures
Defines the display mask for a level of the time scale in a chart.
Note: This function can be used in conjunction with grTimeLevelMax to define the number of levels to be displayed in the time scale of a graph..
// Affiche les heures sous la forme 10h
grTimeLevelMask(GRF_MonGraphe, grtlHour, "HHh")
// Set the time scale to display several values per month
// but displaying only the months in the scale 
// (days are not displayed)
grTimeLevelMask(CHART_MyChart, grtlMonth, "Mmm")
grTimeLevelMax(CHART_MyChart, 1, grtlMonth)
grTimeLevelMask(<Chart name> , <Time level> , <Mask>)
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the name of the chart defined programmatically with grCreate.
  • the name of the Chart control in the window or page editor.
Android Only Chart controls are available.
<Time level>: Integer constant
Time level onto which the mask will be fixed:
grtlDayThe mask will be used on the days.
grtlHourThe mask will be used on the hours.
grtlMillisecondThe mask will be used on the milliseconds.
grtlMinuteThe mask will be used on the minutes.
grtlMonthThe mask will be used on the months.
grtlSecondThe mask will be used on the seconds.
grtlYearThe mask will be used on the years.
<Mask>: Character string
Mask to use.
Please note: The mask applies to a single time level only.. Therefore, we advise you to specify it by using the data of this level only (for example, "HH" for the hour level or "YYYY" for the year level).

Combination of masks

The masks can be combined in order to use a specific format. For example:
// Affiche les mois sous la forme mois + année
grTimeLevelMask(GRF_MonGraphe, grtlMonth, "Mmm AAAA")

Available masks

The available masks are as follows:
  • YYYY represents a 4-digit year.
  • YY represents a 2-digit date.
  • M represents the month without a leading zero.
  • MM represents a 2-digit month.
  • MMM represents a 3-letter month (e.g., Jan). The case used depends on the language options of the project.
  • Mmm represents a 3-letter month with the first letter in uppercase (e.g., Jan).
  • mmm represents a 3-letter month with the first letter in lowercase (e.g., jan).
  • MMMM represents the month as a full name (e.g., January). The case used depends on the language options of the project.
  • Mmmm represents the month as a full name with the first letter in uppercase (e.g., January).
  • mmmm represents the month as a full name with the first letter in lowercase (e.g., january).
  • D represents the day (the zero is not displayed in front of the day number).
  • DD represents a 2-digit day.
  • DDD represents a 3-letter day (e.g., Mon). The case used depends on the language options of the project.
  • Ddd represents a 3-letter day with the first letter in uppercase (e.g., Mon).
  • ddd represents a 3-letter day with the first letter in lowercase (e.g., mon).
  • DDDD represents the day as a full name (e.g., Monday). The case used depends on the language options of the project.
  • Dddd represents the day as a full name with the first letter in uppercase (e.g., Monday).
  • dddd represents the day as a full name with the first letter in lowercase (e.g., monday).
  • M represents the first letter of the day (e.g., M,T,W,T,F,S,S).
  • HH represents the number of hours.
  • mm represents the number of minutes.
  • SS represents the number of seconds.
  • CC represents the number of hundredths of a second.
  • AP represents "AM" or "PM" (if "AP" is used, the time is displayed in 12-hour format).
Component: wd300grf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 23
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Last update: 09/21/2024

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