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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Word Processing functions
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Stored procedures
  • at the end of a word processing document: an element, document, paragraph, text, image or fragment.
  • at the end of a fragment: an element, text or image.
// Adds an image
// Select the image file 
sFile is string  
sFile = fImageSelect(fCurrentDir(), "", "Add an image",
	"JPEG (*.JPG)" + TAB + "*.jpg" + CR + "PNG (*.PNG)" + TAB + "*.png" + CR + 
	"All files (*.*)" + TAB + "*.*")
IF sFile = "" THEN
// The image file is transferred into an Image variable 
img is Image = sFile
// Add the image at the end of document 
DocAdd(WP_NoName1, img)
// Add a page break
DocAdd(WP_NoName, Charact(12))

Adding at the end of a Word Processing document Hide the details

<Result> = DocAdd(<Document> , <Object to add>)
<Result>: docFragment variable
docFragment variable with the added fragment.
<Document>: Control name or Document variable
Document to use. This document corresponds to:
<Object to add>: Type of added object
Object to add:
  • Element: Name of the docElement variable corresponding to the element to be added.
  • Document: Name of the Document variable corresponding to the document to be added..
    Attention: The following elements of the added document are not retained:
    • The default layout of the added document (e.g. margins).
    • The parameters of the main section of the added document (e.g. headers and footers).
  • Paragraph: Name of the docParagraph variable corresponding to the paragraph to be added.. This paragraph must have been retrieved from a document, it cannot be created from nothing because the array of paragraph elements is read-only.
  • String text: Text to be added.
    You can use the following constants in the text to add to manage the different possible breaks:
    docColumnBreakAdds a column break in a multicolumn section. If the section is not multicolumn, a page break is added.
    docLineBreakAdds a line break.
    docPageBreakAdds a page break.
    docParagraphBreakAdds a paragraph break.
  • Image: Name of variable of type Image to be added.
  • Fragment: Name of the docFragment variable to be added.

Adding at the end of a fragment Hide the details

<Result> = DocAdd(<Fragment> , <Object to add>)
<Result>: docFragment variable
docFragment variable with the added fragment.
<Fragment>: docFragment variable
Name of the docFragment variable to be used.
<Object to add>: Type of added object
Object to add:
  • Element: Name of the docElement variable corresponding to the element to be added.
  • String text: Text to be added.
    You can use the following constants in the text to add to manage the different possible breaks:
    docColumnBreakAdds a column break in a multicolumn section. If the section is not multicolumn, a page break is added.
    docLineBreakAdds a line break.
    docPageBreakAdds a page break.
    docParagraphBreakAdds a paragraph break.
  • Image: Name of variable of type Image to be added.
Component: wd300mdl.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 22
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Last update: 11/23/2024

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