Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / AAF functions (Automatic Application Features)
  • Types of export taken into account
  • Multiple securities
  • Managing passwords
  • Special case: ActiveX control
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Stored procedures
Secures the export of confidential data in the AAFs (Automatic Application Features) that are used to export, print or save data. You can:
  • forbid the export. In this case, the corresponding AAF option is not proposed.
  • ask for a password. In this case:
    • a padlock is displayed in the menu option of AAF.
      Remark: For the versions earlier than Windows 8, the symbol displayed is a star ('*').
    • a window asking for a password is displayed before performing the action. If the password is invalid, the action is not performed.
// Allow exports

Securing the export via the AAFs for the entire application Hide the details

AAFExportSecurity(<Security level> [, <Password> [, <Message>]])
<Security level>: Integer constant
Security level to use for all possible exports from the AAFs:
aafExportForbiddenThe exports are not allowed from the export AAFs.
aafExportFreeThe exports are allowed from the export AAFs.
aafExportPwdThe exports from the export AAFs require a password.
A padlock (or a star '*') is displayed in the menu option of AAF to inform the user that the option is secured.
The <Password> and <Message> parameters can be specified.
  • The exports from the export AAFs require a password.
    A padlock (or a star '*') is displayed in the menu option of AAF to inform the user that the option is secured.
  • The screenshot via the [PRNT SCREEN] key or through programming requires no password.
The <Password> and <Message> parameters can be specified.
<Password>: Optional character string
Password that will have to be typed by the user in order to export the data. This password must be typed in a window automatically proposed by WINDEV.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string ("") or if it is not specified, the security is disabled.
<Message>: Optional character string
Message displayed in the wiindow for requesting the password.
If this parameter corresponds to an empty string ("") or if it is not specified, a default message is displayed (in French if the application is run in French, in English otherwise).

Securing the export via the AAFs for the a control or a window Hide the details

AAFExportSecurity(<Control or window> , <Security level> [, <Password> [, <Message>]])
<Control or window>: Character string
Name of the control or window to be used. A WLanguage error occurs if this control or window does not exist.
<Security level>: Integer constant
Security level to use for all possible exports from the AAFs:
aafExportForbiddenThe exports are not allowed from the export AAFs. The corresponding options are not displayed in the context menu.
aafExportFreeThe exports are allowed from the export AAFs.
aafExportPwdThe exports from the export AAFs require a password. A padlock (or a star '*') is displayed in the menu option of AAF to inform the user that the option is secured.
The <Password> and <Message> parameters can be specified.
  • The exports from the export AAFs require a password.
    A padlock (or a star '*') is displayed in the menu option of AAF to inform the user that the option is secured.
  • Screenshots captured with "Print Screen" or through programming do not require password.
The <Password> and <Message> parameters can be specified.
<Password>: Optional character string
Password that will have to be typed by the user in order to export the data. This password must be typed in a window automatically proposed by WINDEV.
If this password corresponds to an empty string ("") or if it is not specified, the security is disabled.
<Message>: Optional character string
Message displayed in the wiindow for requesting the password. If this message is not specified, a default message is displayed (in French if the application is run in French, in English otherwise).

Types of export taken into account

This function applies to:
  • the exports (to Word, Excel, XML, ...) available in the context menu of AAFS for the Table, TreeView Table and Looper controls.
  • the "Print" option available in the AAF context menu for the Table, TreeView Table, Organizer, Scheduler, Gantt Chart controls, ....
    Caution: if a "Report on table" button is created, only the option in the context menu is secured.
  • the "Save as" option in the context menu of controls such as Image, Organization Chart, Spreadsheet, Dashboard, ...
  • the "Copy" option if more than one line or more than 100 characters are selected.
  • the "Copy all" or "Copy the content"' option available in the AAF context menu for the Table, TreeView Table, Organizer, Scheduler, Gantt Chart controls, ...
  • the screenshots performed (except if the aafExportPwdScreenShotFree constant is used): If a security option is defined (password or restriction), the screenshot will be black.

Multiple securities

If several securities are applied to an element, the securities are taken into account according to the following order:
  1. Security defined for the control.
  2. Security defined for the window.
  3. Security defined for the application.
The security defined for the control has priority. Therefore, if the export is forbidden on the application but if it is allowed on a control, the user will be able to export the control data.

Managing passwords

If a password is requested:
  • the menu option displays an indication to inform the user that a specific action is required:
    • a padlock in Windows 8 and later.
    • the '*' sign in Windows 7 and earlier.
  • the password input is performed in a specific window. This window:
    • uses the theme of skin template defined for the application if the option "Apply the theme of skin template to the components included in the project and to the AAF windows" is checked ("Style" tab in the project description window).
    • displays by default the following message in English: "This data is confidential. Type a password to continue". This message can be modified via the <Message> parameter. For the multilingual applications, if no custom multilingual message was defined, the default message is displayed in English.
    • has for title the title of the current window.
    • contains a password edit control to type the password. If the password typed does not correspond to the expected one, the export is not performed.

Special case: ActiveX control

Prohibition of screenshots may limit the display capabilities of some ActiveX. In this case, if the ActiveX in its more recent version cannot be displayed, the screenshot must be allowed in the relevant window with the aafExportPwdScreenShotFree constant.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 22
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Last update: 07/03/2023

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