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Stored procedures
Lists the values supported by the device camera for a given parameter.
  • To modify or find out the current value of a parameter for the device camera, use CameraParameter.
  • CameraListParameter can be used in the Android emulator but not in the simulator.
  • This function is equivalent to VideoListParameter.
// Use the maximum resolution to take a photo
sListResolution is string
sListResolution = CameraListParameter(vipPhotoResolution)
IF ErrorOccurred = False THEN
CameraParameter(vipPhotoResolution, ExtractString(sListResolution, lastRank, CR))
Error("Error while retrieving the resolutions supported by the camera.")
<Result> = CameraListParameter(<Parameter>)
<Result>: Character string
  • List of values supported by the camera for the specified <Parameter>. This list has the following format:
    <Value 1>+ CR + <Value 2> + CR + ... + <Value N>
  • Empty string ("") if the parameter is not supported by the camera or if an error occurred while retrieving the parameters.
    If an error occurs, the ErrorOccurred variable is set to True. To get more details on the error, use ErrorInfo.
<Parameter>: Character String constant or character string
Parameter for which the supported values must be retrieved. This parameter can correspond to:
  • one of the preset constants. These constants correspond to the most common parameters.
  • a String corresponding to the name of the desired parameter.
    Caution: the parameter name is case and accent-sensitive. See the documentation about the Android SDK or about the device to find out the name of additional supported parameters. If the specified name does not correspond to a parameter supported by the camera, the function will return an empty string.
The available constants are as follows:
vipBalanceBalance modes for the whites supported by the camera: automatic, daylight, cloudy, ...
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
vipCameraSubscripts and types of the cameras available on the device. The list has the following format:
  • <Subscript> is an integer included between 1 and the number of cameras found on the device,
  • <Type> is one of the following constants:
    • vipCameraBack: Back camera opposite to the screen.
    • vipCameraFront: Front camera facing the screen.
vipEffectColor effects: black and white, poster, sepia, ...
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
vipFlashFlash modes supported by the camera: automatic, without, anti red eyes, ...
vipFlickerAdjustments of flicker (anti-banding) supported by the camera: automatic, none, 50Hz, 60Hz, ...
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
vipFocusFocus modes supported by the camera: automatic, macro, fixed, ...
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
vipISOISO sensitivities supported by the camera: automatic, 100, 200, 400, ...
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
vipPhotoResolutionResolutions supported by the camera for taking photos.
The list is sorted in ascending order, from the lowest resolution to the highest one.
The returned values have the following format:
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
vipSceneTypes of scenes supported by the camera: automatic, night, sports, ...
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
vipZoomZoom values supported by the camera.
The returned values have the following format:
  • 100 (1x zoom = no zoom)
  • 200 (2x zoom)
  • 300 (3x zoom)
  • 350 (3,5x zoom)
  • ...
The first value is always 100 and the last one corresponds to the maximum zoom.
Remark: The function will return an empty string ("") if the device camera does not support the zoom.
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst This constant is not available.
iPhone/iPadMac Catalyst Only the vipCamera and vipFlash constants are available.

Required permissions

The call to this function modifies the permissions required by the application.
Required permission: CAMERA.
This permission allows the applications to access the camera.
Component: wd300android.aar
Minimum version required
  • Version 22
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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