Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Chart functions
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Stored procedures
Defines the type of series used in a composite chart (chart containing several types of charts).
grSeriesType(CHART_MyChart, 1, grLine)
grSeriesType(CHART_MyChart, 2, grScatter)
grSeriesType(CHART_MyChart, 3, grColumn)
grSeriesType(<Chart name> , <Series number> , <Type> [, <Parameter>])
<Chart name>: Control name or character string
Name of the chart to be used. This name corresponds to:
  • the chart name defined through programming with grCreate.
  • the name of Chart control (found in the window editor or in the report editor).
Android Only Chart controls are available.
PHP Only the interactive Chart controls are available.
<Series number>: Integer
Number of the series for which the type of chart will be modified.
<Type>: Integer constant
Type of chart that will be used to represent the data found in the series:
grAreaArea chart.
grBarChartsStock chart.
grBubbleChartBubble chart.
grCandlestickCandlestick stock chart.
grColumnColumn chart.
grColumnStackedStacked Column chart.
grLineLine chart.
grLineConstantDisplays a horizontal line at the position specified in <Parameter>.
grLineLinearRegressionDisplays a line whose inclination is calculated by performing a linear regression on the series specified in <Parameter>.
grLineMeanValueDisplays a horizontal line at the mean of series specified in <Parameter>.
grLineQuadraticRegressionLine chart in the following format: "ax2 + bx + c". The line is defined by performing a quadratic regression on the series specified in <Parameter>.
grMinMaxStock chart displaying the difference between the minimum and maximum values.
grPolarAreaPolar Area chart.
grRangeAreaRange Area chart.
grScatterScatter chart.
grWaffleChartWaffle chart.
grWaterfallWaterfall chart.
<Parameter>: Integer constant
Parameter required for some types of charts. If <Type> corresponds to:
  • grLineQuadraticRegression: <Parameter> corresponds to the number of the series used to perform the quadratic regression.
  • grLineConstant: <Parameter> corresponds to the display position of horizontal line.
  • grLineMeanValue: <Parameter> corresponds to the number of the series used to calculate the mean.
  • grLineLinearRegression: <Parameter> corresponds to the number of the series used to perform the linear regression.
    Caution: The linear regression operates with a single series.
grType cancels all the specific types of series specified by grSeriesType: all the series will have the same type.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300grf.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 22
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Last update: 12/20/2023

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