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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / AAF functions (Automatic Application Features)
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Runs an Automatic Application Feature (AAF) on a control or window. This function can be used to start the spelling checker on an edit control for example.
Note: this function is identical to the ExecuteAAF function, retained for compatibility.
// Click the "Spelling checker" button
// => Starts the spelling checker
// on the "EDT_ProdDescription" edit control
AAFExecute(EDT_ProductDesc, aafSpellCheck)
// Click the "Cancel" button
// => restores the previous values
AAFExecute(WIN_EditCustomer, aafRestoreValue)
<Result> = AAFExecute(<Control or window name> , <Action to perform>)
<Result>: Boolean
Value that can be exploited only if the aafClosingDialog constant is used. This allows you to identify the action performed by the user when the dialog box is displayed. <Result> is set to:
  • False if the user asks not to close the document,
  • True otherwise.
<Control or window name>: Character string
Name of the control or window affected by the automatic feature. It is also possible to use a window alias name.
<Action to perform>: Integer constant
Automatic feature to perform. This action depends on the element used (control or window). In the case of a control, this action depends on the type of control used. The function has no effect if the type of control is not valid for the selected constant.
aaf1stFocusControlSets the control that will have initial focus when the window is opened.

Concerned element: Edit control field
aafDisplayPercentageEvolutionPvtDisplays the evolution as a percentage in a comparison in a Pivot Table control.

Affected element: Pivot Table control field
aafDisplayEvolutionPvtDisplays the evolution in a comparison in a Pivot Table control.

Affected element: Pivot Table control field
aafOgiAddAptAdds a new appointment into the current Organizer control. The Organizer control becomes editable in order for the user to type the appointment title.

Affected element: Organizer control field
aafOgiEditAptEdits an appointment in the current Organizer control. The Organizer control becomes editable on the appointment in order for the user to type the appointment title.

Affected element: Organizer control field
aafOrgEditAptContentEdits the content of an appointment in the current Organizer control. The Organizer control goes into edit mode to allow the user to modify the content of the appointment. The "Entry in edit in an appointment" event associated with the Organizer control is executed.

Affected element: Organizer control field
aafOgiDeleteAptDeletes the current appointment from the Organizer control used. The "Deleting an appointment" event of the Organizer control is executed.

Affected element: Organizer control field
aafAddRowNumberColumnAdds a first column "Row no." in the Table field .

Applies to:
  • Table control.
  • TreeView Table control.
aafAdjustAllColumnsResizes all columns of a Table control to fit the content.

Item concerned: Table field
aafCancelCompareDateRangePvtCancels the date range comparison in a Pivot Table control.

Affected element: Pivot Table control field
aafCancelInputFuncUsed to define the action of a "Cancel" button found in a custom formula input bar of a Spreadsheet control. For more details, see Customizing the formula bar (Spreadsheet control).

Affected element: Button field
aafGotoLineDisplays a window allowing the user to type the number of the line to reach in the multiline edit control.

Item concerned: Multiline Edit control field
aafRTFToolbarDisplays the enrichment bar of an RTF edit control.

Affected element: RTF edit control
aafCalculatorDisplays a popup window containing a calculator used to perform calculations.

Affected element: Numerical or Monetary input field
aafCalendarDisplays a popup window containing a calendar used to select a date.

Affected element: Edit control type Date
aafCheckAllChecks all rows in a Check Box column of a Table control.

Affected element: Switch column in a Table or hierarchical Table field.
aafColumnAddCountAdds an automatic "Count" calculation in a column of a Table control.

Concerned element: Column of a Table field
aafColumnAddMaximumAdds an automatic "Maximum" calculation in a column of a Table control.

Concerned element: Column of a Table field
aafColumnAddMinimumAdds an automatic "Minimum" calculation in a column of a Table control.

Concerned element: Column of a Table field
aafColumnAddAverageAdds an automatic "Mean" calculation in a column of a Table control.

Concerned element: Column of a Table field
aafColumnAddTotalAdds an automatic "Total" calculation in a column of a Table control.

Concerned element: Column of a Table field
faaComboFilterContainsChanges the search mode in a scrolled memory combo: the search is now "Begins with" (instead of "Contains").

Related item: Memory combo
aafCompareDateRangePvtOpens the window for comparing date ranges in the Pivot Table control.

Affected element: Pivot Table control field
aafSpellCheckStarts the Word spelling checker on an Edit control.
Note: This feature requires Word 2000 at least on the user's workstation.. This feature does not work with Word 97.

Concerned element: Edit control field
aafUncheckAllUnchecks all rows in a Check Box column of a Table control.

Affected element: Switch column in a Table or hierarchical Table field.
aafDiscoverAAFDisplays a toast to inform the user about AAFs (Automatic Application Features).

Component concerned: Window
aafClosingDialogDisplays the dialog for confirming (or not) the backup of current document (see ControlExecuteClosing as well). If this constant is used, AAFExecute returns the action performed by the user when the dialog box is displayed. <Result> is set to False if the user asks not to close the document, True otherwise.

Applies to:
  • a Spreadsheet control,
  • a Word Processing control,
  • an Image Editor control.
aafSaveAsSaves the content:
  • of a Spreadsheet control in an xlsx file.
  • of a Dashboard control in image format.

Applies to:
  • Spreadsheet control
  • Dashboard control
aafSendFileByEmailSends the file whose path is found in the edit control in email attachment. The email manager found on the current computer is automatically opened, with a new email and the document in attachment.

Affected element: Edit control file path input field
aafExportNoteForces the export of repositionable notes from the current window to a wdnote file. The file picker is opened and the end user must specify the name and path of file to be generated.

Concerned element: Window and Note field
aafGanttAddTaskAdds a new task into the current Gantt Chart column. The selected area becomes editable in order for the user to type the task title. The process for task addition associated with the Gantt Chart column is run.

Affected element: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table field
aafGanttEditTaskEdits a task in the current Gantt Chart column. The selected task becomes editable in order for the user to modify its title. The process for task edit associated with the Gantt Chart column is run.

Affected element: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table field
aafGanttDeleteTaskDeletes the task from the current Gantt Chart column. The process for task deletion associated with the Gantt Chart column is run.

Affected element: Gantt Chart column in a Table or TreeView Table field
aafChartDisplays the automatic chart of a Table control.

Item concerned: Table field
aafImageEditModeStarts the image editor and opens the image found in the Image control in the image editor.

Related element: Image field
aafImportNoteForces the import of repositionable notes found in a wdnote file. The file picker is opened and the end user must specify the name and path of file to import.

Concerned element: Window and Note field
aafPrintReportOnTablePrints the report associated with the Table control if it exists or proposes to start "Reports & Queries".

Item concerned: Table field
aafPrintOrganizerPrints the content of the specified Organizer control. The Organizer control print configuration window opens.

Affected element: Organizer control field
aafPrintDiagramPrints the contents of the specified Diagram Editor control. The Diagram Editor control print options window opens.

Affected element: Diagram Editor control field
aafPrintFilePrints the file whose path is found in the edit control.

Affected element: Edit control file path input field
aafPrintHtmlPrints the content of the HTML Editor control. The report viewer opens.

Affected element: HTML editor field
aafPrintSchedulePrints the content of the specified Scheduler control. The Scheduler control print options window opens.

Affected element: Scheduler control field
aafPrintSpreadsheetPrints the content of the specified Spreadsheet control. The Spreadsheet control print options window opens.

Item concerned: Spreadsheet control field
aafPrintPvtPrints the content of the specified Pivot Table control. The Pivot Table control print options window opens.

Affected element: Pivot Table control field
aafPrintWordProcessingPrints the content of the specified Word Processing control. The Word Processing control print options window opens.

Item concerned: Word Processing control field
aafCheckBoxCheckAllChecks all the options found in a Check Box control.

Item concerned: Check Box control field
faaJetonPasseEnSaisieInputs the selected token.

Item concerned: Edit control field with tokens
aafOpenOpens the file whose path is found in the edit control. The software associated with the file extension is used.

Affected element: Edit control file path input field
aafOpenWithOpens the file whose path is found in the edit control. The user can choose the software that will be used to open the file.

Affected element: Edit control file path input field
aafOpenLocationOpens the directory containing the file whose path is found in the edit control.

Affected element: Edit control file path input field
aafPDFDeleteCurrentPageDeletes the current page displayed in a PDF Reader control field..

Affected element: PDF Reader control field.
aafSchAddAptAdds a new appointment into the current Scheduler control. The Scheduler control becomes editable in order for the user to type the appointment title. The process for appointment addition associated with the Scheduler control is run.
Please note: the day for which the appointment will be created must have been previously selected..

Affected element: Scheduler control field
aafSchEditAptEdits an appointment in the current Scheduler control. The Scheduler control becomes editable in order for the user to modify the appointment title. The process for appointment edit associated with the Scheduler control is run.

Affected element: Scheduler control field
aafSchDeleteAptDeletes the current appointment from the Scheduler control used. The process for appointment deletion associated with the Scheduler control is run.

Affected element: Scheduler control field
aafFindStarts the search (only available for multiline edit controls).

Item concerned: Multiline Edit control field
aafRestoreValueRestores the previous values of persistent controls in a window.

Component concerned: Window
aafSaveBreakStatusSaves the status of breaks (expanded, collapsed, ...) in the current control (Table or Looper).

Affected element: Table field, RepeatString field
aafSaveSizeAndPositionSaves the window size and position as well as the size and position of window controls (splitter, table, toolbar).

Component concerned: Window
aafSaveValueSaves the values of persistent controls in a window. This AAF can be run at control level or at window level.

Elements involved: Window, edit control, list, combo with edit, picker or switch
aafSpreadsheetMergeMerges the cells currently selected in a Spreadsheet control.

Item concerned: Spreadsheet control field
aafTableToExcelExports the content of Table control or the selection performed in the Table control to Excel or to OpenOffice Calc (depending on the software installed in the user computer).

Item concerned: Table field
aafTableToWordExports the Table control content or content selection to Excel or to OpenOffice Calc (depending on the software installed on the user's computer).

Item concerned: Table field
aafTableToXMLExports the content of Table control or the selection performed in the Table control to XML.

Item concerned: Table field
aafRedoRe-executes the last operation performed on the Code Editor field.

Affected element: Code editor field
aafDashRestoreConfigRestores the initial configuration of a Dashboard control (equivalent to the "Restore initial configuration" option in modification mode).

Item concerned: Dashboard control field
aafPvtReverseRowColumnReverses the rows and the columns in a Pivot Table control.

Affected element: Pivot Table control field
aafPvtEditMode (Constant)Reorganizes the row and column headers in a Pivot Table control.

Affected element: Pivot Table control field
aafUndoCancels the last operation performed on the Code Editor field.

Affected element: Code editor field
aafValidateInputFuncUsed to define the action of a "Validate" button found in a custom formula input bar of a Spreadsheet control.
For more details, see Customizing the formula bar (Spreadsheet control).

Affected element: Button field
  • Used to cancel the zoom that was performed by the user (via Ctrl + Mouse wheel) in a Table, TreeView Table, Pivot Table, Spreadsheet or List Box control.
    Affected element: Table field, Hierarchical Table, Crosstab, Spreadsheet or List.
  • Used to cancel the zoom in a window that was zoomed by the user (via Ctrl + Mouse wheel).
    Component concerned: Window.
  • To disable an automatic feature, use AAFDisable. The corresponding option is automatically deleted in the context menu.
  • To delete the options that correspond to AAFs in the context menu of a control, use ContextMenu.
Business / UI classification: UI Code
Component: wd300.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 21
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Last update: 11/30/2024

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