| |
aaf1stFocusControl | Disables the context menu used to set the initial focus to the edit control.
Concerned element: Edit control field |
aafAAFHelp | Disables the context menu used to open the AAF help site (https://aaf.windev.com/).
Affected element: Window, Table field, Hierarchical Table field, Pivot Table control field |
aafAddRowNumberColumn | Disables the context menu for adding the first "Row no." column to the Table control .
Applies to: - Table control.
- TreeView Table control.
aafAddShortcut | Disables the context menu used to manage custom keyboard shortcuts.
Affected element: Button field |
aafAdjustAllColumns | Disables the context menu that allows users to automatically adjust all columns.
Affected element: Table control |
aafAutoFilterOnKeystroke | Disables automatic filtering of a Table control column when the user presses a key in an editable Table control. Affected element: Table control.
aafAutomaticCalculationTable | Disables the context menu for displaying automatic calculations on Table control columns.
Item concerned: Table field or TreeView Table control field |
aafAutomaticTotals | Disables: - automatic calculations on the Numerical columns of a Table control.
- the "Number of elements" option in the Table control context menu.
 This constant is not available.
Affected element: Table control |
aafAutomaticValidation | Disables the option to set a timer on a button.
Affected element: Button control. |
aafCalculator | Disables the context menu used to display a popup calculator to perform calculations.
Affected element: Numerical or Monetary input field |
aafCalendar | Disables the context menu used to display a popup calendar in order to select a date in a Date edit control.
Affected element: Edit control type Date |
aafChangeBackgroundColor | Disables the context menu used to change the background color of a row, column or cell in a control.
Affected element: Table field, Hierarchical Table and Crosstab |
aafChart | Disables the display of an automatic chart in a Table control.
Affected element: Table control |
aafChartMenu | Disables the context menu of Chart controls displayed via the AAF mechanism.
Item concerned: Chart control field |
aafCheckAll | Disables the context menu used to check/uncheck all rows in a Check Box column of a Table control.
Affected element: Table field or TreeView Table control field |
aafCheckBoxCheckAll | Disables the context menu options used to check or uncheck all the options in a Check Box control.
Item concerned: Check Box control field |
aafColumnSelection | Disables the column selection on a Table control to display.
Affected element: Table control |
aafCompareDateRangePvt | Disables the context menu used to compare different periods in the Pivot Table control.
Item concerned: Pivot table field |
aafCopy | Disables the context menu used to: - copy the row of a List Box control.
- copy the row and the column of a Table control. Affected element: List Box control or Table control.
aafCopyAll | Disables the context menu used to copy all rows found in a List Box or Table control to the clipboard ("Copy all" option).
Affected element: List Box control or Table control
aafCopyForm | Disables the context menu used to copy the current form.
Component concerned: Window |
aafCustomizeUI | Disables the context menu option allowing the end user to customize the interface.
Component concerned: Window |
aafDashEditMode | Disables the option to switch to edit mode: via the context menu in a Dashboard control.  via a long press.
Item concerned: Dashboard control field
Item concerned: Pivot table field
aafDashEditMode | Disables the option to switch to edit mode: via the context menu in a Dashboard control.  via a long press.
Item concerned: Dashboard control field
aafDeactivateWindowAnimation | Disables the context menu option used to disable window animations.
Component concerned: Window |
aafDiscoverAAF | Disables the toast used to inform the user about AAFs (Automatic Application Features).
Component concerned: Window |
aafDisplayOnSeveralLines | Disables the context menu used to display the content of a column of a Table control on several rows. This context menu is disabled for all columns in the Table control.
Affected element: Table control |
aafDisplayPassword | Deletes the password reveal icon.
Concerned element: Edit control field |
aafDisplayThumbnail | Disables the display of a thumbnail of an image or PDF file whose path has been entered in an edit control.
Affected element: Edit control file path input field |
aafEditTooltip | Disables the context menu option used to edit the tooltip of the control. Element concerned: all field types. |
aafExpandCollapseAll | Disables the option used to expand or collapse all elements in a TreeView Table control or in a branch of a TreeView Table control.
Applies to: - TreeView Table control,
- TreeView control.
aafFileSelection | Disables the "Browse" option in the context menu displayed in File and File Path edit controls.
Concerned element: Edit control field |
aafFilter | Disables the context menu for automatic filters on magnifiers, in the column titles of a Table control. Affected element: Table control.
aafFind | Disables the use of the search on a multiline edit control.
Item concerned: Multiline Edit control field |
aafFindInCombo | Disables the search on a Combo Box control. Warning: If the search in the Combo Box control has been activated by the "With search" option available in the "Detail" tab of the field description window, this constant is not taken into account.. Affected element: Combo Box control |
aafFreezeColumnLeft | Disables the context menu that allows users to lock columns in a Table control. Affected element: Table field or TreeView Table control field |
aafGanttAddDependency | Disables the context menu used to add and delete a dependency link between two tasks in a Gantt Chart column.
Affected element: Gantt Chart column in a Table field or a hierarchical Table field. |
aafGanttAddTask | Disables the context menu used to add a task into a Gantt Chart column.
Affected element: Gantt Chart column in a Table field or a hierarchical Table field. |
aafGanttDeleteTask | Disables the context menu used to delete a task from a Gantt Chart column.
Affected element: Gantt Chart column in a Table field or a hierarchical Table field. |
aafGanttEditTask | Disables the context menu used to edit a task in a Gantt Chart column.
Affected element: Gantt Chart column in a Table field or a hierarchical Table field. |
aafGotoLine | Disables the context menu used to display a window for entering the number of the line to reach in a multiline edit control.
Item concerned: Multiline Edit control field |
aafHistoryHFLog | Disables the history of HFSQL records of a control linked to a data file.
Item concerned: Field linked to a data file |
aafHistoryInput | Disables input history.
Elements involved: Edit control, combo with input |
aafInternetSearch | Disables the context menu option used to search the Internet.
Affected elements: - Edit control
- Table control, TreeView Table control, Spreadsheet control and Pivot Table control
aafMagnifierOnTableNoInputNoSelection | Maintains version 20 behavior on tables without input or selection: the magnifying glass does not appear in the column, even if the "Magnifying glass" option is checked in the column description window..
Affected element: Table control |
aafModifyInputValueWithWheel | Disables the modification of the value in numeric edit controls with the mouse wheel.
Item concerned: Numerical input field |
aafModifyProgressGanttTask | Disables the modification of the progress value of a task in a Gantt Chart column.
Affected element: Gantt Chart column in a Table field or a hierarchical Table field. |
aafOpen | Disables the context menu option used to open a file.
Affected element: Edit control file path input field |
aafOpenLocation | Disables the context menu option used to open the directory containing the file.
Affected element: Edit control file path input field |
aafOpenWith | Disables the context menu option used to open a file by selecting the software.
Affected element: Edit control file path input field |
aafPDFDeleteCurrentPage | Disables the context menu option that allows users to delete the current page in a PDF Reader control.
Affected element: PDF Reader control field. |
aafPrintFile | Disables the context menu option used to print a file.
Affected element: Edit control file path input field |
aafPrintOrganizer | Disables the context menu option used to print the content of Organizer control.
Affected element: Organizer control field |
aafPrintPvt | Disables the context menu option to print the content of the Pivot Table control.
Item concerned: Pivot table field |
aafPrintReportOnTable | Disables the "Print" option in the context menu of Table and TreeView Table controls.This constant also disables the "Print" option in the context menu of Gantt Chart columns.Affected element: Table field and hierarchical Table |
aafPrintSchedule | Disables the context menu option used to print the content of a Scheduler control.
Affected element: Scheduler control field |
aafPrintSpreadsheet | Disables the context menu option used to print the content of the Spreadsheet control.
Item concerned: Spreadsheet control field |
aafPvtCollapseAll | Disables the option to collapse the entire content of the Pivot Table control. Item concerned: Pivot table field
aafPvtExpandAll | Disables the option to expand the entire content of the Pivot Table control. Item concerned: Pivot table field
aafPvtRememberGroup | Disables the option to save the configuration of groups. Item concerned: Pivot table field
aafPvtRestoreGroup | Disables the option to restore the initial configuration of groups. |
aafQuestionMarkMenu | Disables the context menu option corresponding to the "?" menu.
Component concerned: Window |
aafRateDDW | Disables the option to modify the DDW (Dimmed Disabled Window) dim rate). The corresponding menu options and the shortcuts (Ctrl + Alt + [+] or Ctrl + Alt [-]) cannot be used anymore.
aafRemoveFilter | Disables the "Remove filter" option in the context menu of columns in Table and TreeView Table controls with an active filter.
Affected element: Table field and hierarchical table |
aafRepositionableNote | Disables the option to create repositionable notes.
Component concerned: Window |
aafResizeRowHeight | Disables the option for the user to resize the rows vertically. This option must have been enabled in the description of the Table control. Affected element: Table field, Hierarchical Table field, RepeatString field |
aafRTFToolbar | Disables the context menu used to display the RTF toolbar of RTF Edit controls.
Affected element: RTF edit control |
aafSaveAs | - Disables the context menu option used to save the content of Spreadsheet control in an xlsx file.
- Disables the context menu option used to save the Dashboard control as an image.
Applies to: - Spreadsheet control
- Dashboard control
aafSaveBreakStatus | Disables the context menu option used to store the status of breaks.
Affected element: Table control field, RepeatString field |
aafSaveFilterAndSort | Disables the menu options used to store filters and sorts in a Table control. Affected element: Table control |
aafSaveSizeAndPosition | Disables size and position saving for windows and window controls (Splitter, Table, Toolbar control).
Component concerned: Window |
aafSaveValue | Disables the feature that saves the values of persistent controls in the window. This AAF can be disabled for a control or a window (in this case, the option is deleted from the context menus of all window controls). Elements involved: Window, Edit control, List control, Combo Box control with input, Radio Button control or Check Box control. |
aafSchAutoScroll | Disables the automatic scroll of scheduler when moving an appointment.
Affected element: Scheduler control field |
aafSendFileByEmail | Disables the context menu option used to send a file by email. This file can be:- the file whose path is in an Edit control.
- the Organizer.pdf file that represents the printed version of the Organizer control.
- the Scheduler.pdf file that represents the printed version of the Scheduler control.
Applies to:- File path Edit control.
- Organizer control.
- Scheduler control.
aafSortListOrCombo | Disables the context menu option used to sort the content of a List Box or Combo Box control.
Affected element: List Box control or Combo Box control. |
aafSortTVTableKeepHierarchy | Changes the sort method in the TreeView Table controls. By default, sorting on columns preserves the hierarchy: only leaves are sorted.. This constant is used to changer this behavior and to sort the nodes and leaves level by level.
Affected element: TreeView Table control field. |
aafSpeechRecognition | Disables speech recognition.
aafSpellCheck | Disables the use of Word spelling checker for an edit control. Note: This feature requires Word 2000 at least on the user's workstation.. This feature does not work with Word 97.
Concerned element: Edit control field |
aafTableToExcel | Disables the export of Table control content or content selection to Excel or to OpenOffice Calc (depending on the software installed on the user's computer).
Affected element: Table field, TreeView field, Hierarchical Table field, RepeatString field |
aafTableToWord | Disables the export of Table control content or content selection to Word or to OpenOffice Writer (depending on the software installed on the user's computer).
Affected element: Table field, TreeView field, Hierarchical Table field, RepeatString field |
aafTableToXML | Disables the export of Table control content or content selection to XML.
Affected element: Table field, TreeView field, Hierarchical Table field, RepeatString field |
aafUncheckAll | Disables the context menu used to check/uncheck all rows in a Check Box column of a Table control.
Affected element: Table field or TreeView Table control field |
aafZoom | - Disables the option to zoom in a Table, TreeView Table, Pivot Table, Spreadsheet or List Box control.
Element concerned: Table, Hierarchical Table, Dynamic Crosstab, Spreadsheet or List field. - Disables the option to zoom in a window.
Component concerned: Window.
faaComboFilterContains | Deactivates the "Begins with" search mode in an unrolled memory combo: the search is then of the "Contains" type.
Related item: Memory combo |
faaDndScrollAuto | Disables automatic scrolling in table fields when Drag and Drop is used. Note: By default, moving a table element to the column headings causes the table contents to dequeue up or down.
Affected element: Table control |
faaJetonPasseEnSaisie | Disables input of the selected token.
Item concerned: Edit control field with tokens |
New in version 2025faaPasteAllLine | Disables the context menu for pasting a line from another Table control into a Table control.
Affected element: Table control |