Help / WLanguage / WLanguage properties / Properties associated with windows, pages and controls
  • Parallax effect on controls
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The ParallaxRateY property is used to determine and specify how fast a control moves when the scrollbar in the window, internal window or page moves.
IMG_Product.ParallaxRateY = 500
IMG_Product.ParallaxRateHeight = 500

Finding out the speed at which the control moves when moving the scrollbar Hide the details

<Result> = <Control used>.ParallaxRateY
<Result>: Integer
Speed at which the control moves (included between 0 and 1000).
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control used.

Modifying the speed at which the control moves when moving the scrollbar Hide the details

<Control used>.ParallaxRateY = <New speed>
<Control used>: Control name
Name of the control used.
<New speed>: Integer
Speed at which the control moves (included between 0 and 1000). This parameter is set to 0 by default.
  • If this parameter is set to 0, the control moves as usual when moving the scrollbar found in the window or in the page.
  • If this parameter is set to 500, the control moves half as fast as the other controls, which is used to perform a "parallax scroll" (depth effect).
  • If this parameter is set to 1000, the control does not move when moving the scrollbar found in the window or in the page. This allows you to create fixed buttons for example.
WEBDEV - Browser code

Parallax effect on controls

  • To use the ParallaxRateY property, the parallax effect must be enabled for the control ("Style" tab of the control description). For more details, see Parallax effect.
  • This property is available for the following controls:
    • Cell.
    • Layout area.
    • Rich text area.
    • "Control template" control.
Minimum version required
  • Version 21
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Last update: 09/18/2024

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