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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Standard functions / Telemetry functions
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Stored procedures
Gets and sets the telemetry settings.
// Force l'envoi des données de télémétrie toutes les demi-heures
TelemetryConfigure(tcMaximumPeriodCollection, 1800)

Getting the telemetry settings Hide the details

<Result> = TelemetryConfigure(<Parameter>)
<Result>: Integer
Value of the specified parameter.
<Parameter>: Integer constant
Parameter to retrieve. This parameter corresponds to one of the following constants:
tcEnableLogTelemetry log settings. Can correspond to a combination of the following constants:
  • tpLogFichier: Telemetry uses a log file. The corresponding file is saved in the "<user>\AppData\Roaming\<company>\<application>" directory.
  • tpLogMemory: Telemetry uses a memory log.
tcGetMemoryLogReturns the contents of the memory log.
tcIdleTimeoutUsed to count activity time on a window: the countdown timer is automatically stopped after this period of inactivity..
This timeout is set to 1 minute by default.
tcMaximumPeriodCollectionMaximum telemetry data collection interval (in seconds). The data will be sent at the end of this period, regardless of the size of the data collected.
This period is set to 1 hour by default.
tcMinimumPeriodCollectionMinimum telemetry data collection interval (in seconds). The data can be sent at the end of this period if the minimum size is reached.
This period is set to 5 minutes by default.
tcMinimumSizeCollectionMinimum amount of data collected for the minimum collection interval (expressed in kilobytes).
This size is set to 5 MB by default.
tcNumberSendAttemptsMaximum number of attempts to send telemetry data in online mode:
  • 0. Attempts are not counted. Data is sent every time, even if the server does not respond.
  • 1. Data is sent only once when the application is started. If the server does not respond, there will be no more attempts.
  • other value (3 by default). Allows you to set a total number of attempts within a given period to send data.
By default, tcNumberSendAttempts = 3 and tcMaximumPeriodCollection = 1 so there are 3 hours of attempts.
tcOfflineModeTelemetry operating mode:
  • True (default value). Telemetry works in offline mode.
  • False. Telemetry works in online mode (default behavior before version 25)..
For more details on how telemetry works, see Telemetry: Data transmission mode.
tcStatusCurrent telemetry status. This status can correspond to one of the following constants:
  • teAbandon: telemetry abandoned after too many sending errors.
  • teCollection: telemetry is active and being collected.
  • teEnAttente: telemetry is active but sending information to the server has failed. Data is waiting to be sent at a later date.
  • teEnvoi: telemetry is active and has successfully sent information.
  • teError: telemetry is active but sending information to the server has failed.
  • teInactive: telemetry is inactive.

Setting the telemetry settings Hide the details

<Result> = TelemetryConfigure(<Parameter> , <New value>)
<Result>: Integer
Former value of specified parameter.
<Parameter>: Integer constant
Parameter to modify. This parameter corresponds to one of the following constants:
tcEnableLogTelemetry log settings. Can correspond to a combination of the following constants:
  • tpLogFichier: Telemetry uses a log file. The corresponding file is saved in the "<user>\AppData\Roaming\<company>\<application>" directory.
  • tpLogMemory: Telemetry uses a memory log.
tcIdleTimeoutUsed to count activity time on a window: the countdown timer is automatically stopped after this period of inactivity.. This timeout is set to 1 minute by default.
tcMaximumPeriodCollectionMaximum telemetry data collection interval (in seconds). The data will be sent at the end of this period, regardless of the size of the data collected. This period is set to 1 hour by default.
tcMinimumPeriodCollectionMinimum telemetry data collection interval (in seconds). The data can be sent at the end of this period if the minimum size is reached. This period is set to 5 minutes by default.
tcMinimumSizeCollectionMinimum amount of data collected for the minimum collection interval (expressed in kilobytes). This size is set to 5 MB by default.
tcNumberSendAttemptsMaximum number of attempts to send telemetry data in online mode:
  • 0. Attempts are not counted. Data is sent every time, even if the server does not respond.
  • 1. Data is sent only once when the application is started. If the server does not respond, there will be no more attempts.
  • other value (3 by default). Allows you to set a total number of attempts within a given period to send data.
By default, tcNumberSendAttempts = 3 and tcMaximumPeriodCollection = 1 so there are 3 hours of attempts.
tcOfflineModeTelemetry operating mode:
  • True (default value). Telemetry works in offline mode.
  • False. Telemetry works in online mode (default behavior before version 25)..
For more details on how telemetry works, see Telemetry: Data transmission mode.
<New value>: Integer
New value for the parameter.
TelemetryConfigure can be called before TelemetryEnable.
If TelemetryConfigure is called after TelemetryEnable, the new parameters will be taken into account after a timeout not corresponding to the previous minimum collection time.
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wdxxxsimu.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 21
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Last update: 09/24/2024

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