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Help / WLanguage / WLanguage functions / Controls, pages and windows / Drawing functions
  • Coordinates
  • Using the drawing functions
  • Drawing in Browser code
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Stored procedures
Draws a rounded rectangle:
  • in an Image control,
  • in a variable of type Image.
    WEBDEV - Browser code This type of variable is not available.
  • WEBDEV - Server code in a variable of type WDPic (on the background layer),
  • WEBDEV - Server code in a variable of type picLayer.
Note: To draw custom rectangles, use the dBorder function..
Linux Caution: Using this function under Linux requires a specific configuration.. For more details, see The drawings.
// Initialise le dessin dans un champ Image

// Dessin d'un rectangle arrondi dont le fond est jaune clair
// et le bord bleu clair
dRoundedRectangle(10, 10, 50, 50, 3, LightYellow, LightBlue)
WEBDEV - Server codeAjax
// Dessin d'un rectangle arrondi dont le fond est jaune clair
// et le bord bleu clair
dRoundedRectangle(IMG_Dessin, 10, 10, 50, 50, 3, LightYellow, LightBlue)

Drawing a rounded rectangle by specifying the coordinates of the rectangle and the diameter of corners Hide the details

dRoundedRectangle([<Image>, ] <X1> , <Y1> , <X2> , <Y2> , <Corner diameter> [, <Background> [, <Line>]])
<Image>: Optional control name or optional Image, WDPic or picLayer variable
WindowsLinux Image to use. This image can correspond to:
  • the name of an Image control.
  • the name of a variable of type Image.
  • WEBDEV - Server code the name of a variable of type WDPic. Only the background layer will be handled.
  • WEBDEV - Server code the name of a variable of type picLayer.
If this parameter is not specified, it is necessary to define the drawing destination with dStartDrawing.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter is not available.
<X1>: Integer
X-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
<Y1>: Integer
Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
<X2>: Integer
X-coordinate (in pixels) of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
<Y2>: Integer
Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
<Corner diameter>: Integer
Diameter of rectangle corners.
<Background>: Integer or Integer constant (optional)
  • Background color of rectangle. This color can be:
  • Background characteristics:
    • variable of type Background. In this case, the gradient defined in the variable is ignored.
    • characteristics specified in the last call to dBackground if this parameter is not specified.
To use a gradient background color, call dRectangleGradient.
<Line>: Integer, constant or Border variable (optional)
Color of rectangle line. This color can be:If this parameter is not specified:
  • color specified in the last call to dPen.
  • color identical to the color used for the background if dPen has not been used.

Drawing a rounded rectangle by specifying the coordinates of the rectangle and the border type Hide the details

dRoundedRectangle([<Image>, ] <X1> , <Y1> , <X2> , <Y2> , <Border> [, <Background>])
<Image>: Optional control name or optional Image, WDPic or picLayer variable
WindowsLinux Image to use. This image can correspond to:
  • the name of an Image control.
  • the name of a variable of type Image.
  • WEBDEV - Server code the name of a variable of type WDPic. Only the background layer will be handled.
  • WEBDEV - Server code the name of a variable of type picLayer.
If this parameter is not specified, it is necessary to define the drawing destination with dStartDrawing.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter is not available.
<X1>: Integer
X-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
<Y1>: Integer
Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the upper-left corner of the rectangle.
<X2>: Integer
X-coordinate (in pixels) of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
<Y2>: Integer
Y-coordinate (in pixels) of the lower-right corner of the rectangle.
<Border>: Border variable
Name of the Border variable that defines the characteristics of the rectangle. Only the following properties are taken into account:
  • Rounding: if the property corresponds to the constant RoundingUndefined, no rounding is performed..
  • Color: if the property corresponds to the constant ColorUndefined, the Color defined during the last call to the dPen function is used.. If this function has not been used, the background color of the rectangle will be used.
  • Thickness: if the property corresponds to the constant ThicknessUndefined, the thickness defined during the last call to function dPen is used.. If this function has not been used, the thickness will be set to 1.
  • Trait: if the property corresponds to LineUndefined, the type of Line defined during the last call to the dPen function is used.. If this function has not been used, the line will be solid.
<Background>: Integer, constant or Background variable (optional)
  • Background color of rectangle. This color can be:
  • Background characteristics:
    • variable of type Background. In this case, the gradient defined in the variable is ignored.
    • characteristics specified in the last call to dBackground if this parameter is not specified.
To use a gradient background color, call dRectangleGradient.

Drawing a rounded rectangle via a Rectangle variable by specifying the diameter of corners Hide the details

dRoundedRectangle([<Image>, ] <Rectangle> , <Corner diameter> [, <Background> [, <Line>]])
<Image>: Optional control name or optional Image, WDPic or picLayer variable
WindowsLinux Image to use. This image can correspond to:
  • the name of an Image control.
  • the name of a variable of type Image.
  • WEBDEV - Server code the name of a variable of type WDPic. Only the background layer will be handled.
  • WEBDEV - Server code the name of a variable of type picLayer.
If this parameter is not specified, it is necessary to define the drawing destination with dStartDrawing.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter is not available.
<Rectangle>: Rectangle variable
Name of the Rectangle variable that defines the coordinates of the rectangle to draw.
<Corner diameter>: Integer
Diameter of rectangle corners.
<Background>: Integer, constant or Background variable (optional)
  • Background color of rectangle. This color can be:
  • Background characteristics:
    • variable of type Background. In this case, the gradient defined in the variable is ignored.
    • characteristics specified in the last call to dBackground if this parameter is not specified.
To use a gradient background color, call dRectangleGradient.
<Line>: Integer, constant or Border variable (optional)
Color of rectangle line. This color can be:If this parameter is not specified:
  • color specified in the last call to dPen.
  • color identical to the color used for the background if dPen has not been used.

Drawing a rounded rectangle via a Rectangle variable and a Border variable Hide the details

dRoundedRectangle([<Image>, ] <Rectangle> , <Border> [, <Background>])
<Image>: Optional control name or optional Image, WDPic or picLayer variable
WindowsLinux Image to use. This image can correspond to:
  • the name of an Image control.
  • the name of a variable of type Image.
  • WEBDEV - Server code the name of a variable of type WDPic. Only the background layer will be handled.
  • WEBDEV - Server code the name of a variable of type picLayer.
If this parameter is not specified, it is necessary to define the drawing destination with dStartDrawing.
WEBDEV - Browser code This parameter is not available.
<Rectangle>: Rectangle variable
Name of the Rectangle variable that defines the coordinates of the rectangle to draw.
<Border>: Border variable
Name of the Border variable that defines the characteristics of the rectangle. Only the following properties are taken into account:
  • Rounding: if the property corresponds to the constant RoundingUndefined, no rounding is performed..
  • Color: if the property corresponds to the constant ColorUndefined, the Color specified during the last call to the dPen function is used.. If this function has not been used, the background color of the rectangle will be used.
  • Thickness: if the property corresponds to the constant ThicknessUndefined, the thickness specified during the last call to the dPen function is used.. If this function has not been used, the thickness will be set to 1.
  • Trait: if the property corresponds to LineUndefined, the type of Line specified in the last call to the dPen function is used.. If this function has not been used, the line will be solid.
<Background>: Integer, constant or Background variable (optional)
  • Background color of rectangle. This color can be:
  • Background characteristics:
    • variable of type Background. In this case, the gradient defined in the variable is ignored.
    • characteristics specified in the last call to dBackground if this parameter is not specified.
To use a gradient background color, call dRectangleGradient.


Coordinates are specified with respect to the upper-left corner of the image or Image control (coordinates: (0,0)).

Using the drawing functions

The drawing functions can be used according to 2 methods:
  • Method 1: Using the dDrawingStartfunction
    • dStartDrawing must be called before any other drawing function. dStartDrawing is used to define the element (Image control or variable) to which the drawing functions will be applied.
    • When drawing on an Image control:
      • The drawing functions operate on a copy ("bitmap") of the image. You can use the drawing functions of Windows (via API or CallDLL32) but these functions must use the DC (Device Context) returned by dStartDrawing.
      • dEndDrawing and dStartDrawing must not be called in the same process.
        If function dEndDrawing is called in the same process as function dStartDrawing, the drawing will not appear: it will be automatically deleted.
  • WindowsLinux Method 2: Indicate the design destination directly in the syntax (via a parameter)
    The <Image> parameter is used to specify directly the target of the drawing. dStartDrawing becomes useless. This function must be deleted.
WEBDEV - Browser code

Drawing in Browser code

Some drawing functions are available in Browser code. The drawing functions in Browser code are based on the HTML 5 standard. More specifically, these functions are based on the "canvas" tag of HTML 5.
The drawing features in browser code are available for the recent browsers only (supporting the HTML 5 standard). To find out whether the drawing features are proposed by your browser, use DrawingAvailable.
Attention: To use the drawing functions with Internet Explorer 9, the project must include the reference to the DTD file. To do so, the HTML mode must be "HTML 4.01 Transitional + DTD". This option is available in the "Advanced" tab of the project description window.
Reminder: To display the project description window, under the "Project" pane, in the "Project" group, click on "Description".
Special case: Drawing in the browser of an Android phone: Browser drawing functions are only available in Android version 3 and higher..
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300pnt.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 21
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Last update: 09/19/2024

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