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Stored procedures
  • one or more cells from an HBase table for one or more columns.
  • a row from an HBase table.
// Connection
Connection is hbConnection
Connection.Server = "MyServer"
// Delete the entire row
hbDelete(Connection, "blog", "post1")

Deleting a row or a cell associated with a column Hide the details

<Result> = hbDelete(<Connection> , <Table> , <Row> [, <Column> [, <Timestamp>]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the deletion was performed,
  • False if a problem occurs. ErrorInfo is used to identify the error.
<Connection>: hbConnection variable
Name of the hbConnection variable that corresponds to the connection to the HBase server.
<Table>: Character string
Name of HBase table
<Row>: Character string
  • Identifier of row to delete (if <Column> is not specified).
  • Identifier of row containing the column to delete (the cell will be deleted).
<Column>: Optional hbColumn variable
Name of the variable of type hbColumn that corresponds to the column or group of columns to be deleted.
<Timestamp>: Optional DateTime
Limit date for deleting the values found in the cell or in the row. Only the values found before this date will be deleted.

Deleting a row or the cells associated with several columns Hide the details

<Result> = hbDelete(<Connection> , <Table> , <Row> [, <Array of columns> [, <Timestamp>]])
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the deletion was performed,
  • False if a problem occurs. ErrorInfo is used to identify the error.
<Connection>: hbConnection variable
Name of the hbConnection variable that corresponds to the connection to the HBase server.
<Table>: Character string
Name of HBase table
<Row>: Character string
  • Identifier of the row to delete (if <Array of columns> is not specified).
  • Identifier of the row containing the columns to delete (the cells will be deleted).
<Array of columns>: Optional array of hbColumn variables
Array of variables of type hbColumn that correspond to the columns of groups of columns to be deleted.
<Timestamp>: Optional DateTime
Limit date for deleting the values found in the cells or in the row. Only the values found before this date will be deleted.
Component: wd270big.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 21
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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