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Stored procedures
Prints an image of the signature in a rectangular area. The print job is not started (only iEndPrinting can be used to start the print job).
Remark: This signature will be used to sign the generated PDF files or the duplicates.
// Retrieve the list of certificates available on the computer
arrCertificate is array of Certificates
arrCertificate = CertificateList()
// Open report viewer
iPrintSignature(iSignatureApproval, arrCertificate[1], "My certificate", 10, 10, 200, 200)

Printing a signature defined by a certificate Hide the details

<Result> = iPrintSignature(<Type of signature> , <Certificate> , <Label> , <X1> , <Y1> , <X2> , <Y2>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the signature was printed,
  • False in case of failure.
<Type of signature>: Integer constant
Type and format of the signature:
  • Type of signature:
    iSignatureApprovalApproval signature. An approval signature corresponds to a mark applied by another person to indicate that he/she approves the document content.
    iSignatureCertificationCertification signature. A certification signature corresponds to a seal applied to the document to guarantee its integrity.
  • Signature format (can be combined with a signature type):
    • PAdES (PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures):
      iSignature_CAdES_BCAdES Basic (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
      iSignature_CAdES_CCAdES C (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
      iSignature_CAdES_TCAdES Trust token (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
      iSignature_CAdES_XCAdES X Type 2 (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
      iSignature_CAdES_XLCAdES XL Type 2 (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
    • Adobe signature format:
      (default value)
      PKCS7 signature format. This is an Adobe standard format not approved by the ETSI and Chorus standards.
<Certificate>: Certificate variable
Name of the Certificate variable containing the signature to use.
<Label>: Character string
Text displayed in the signature area.
<X1>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the upper-left corner of the signature area (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y1>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the upper-left corner of the signature area (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).
<X2>: Real
Horizontal coordinate of the lower-right corner of the signature area (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page width (returned by iPageWidth).
<Y2>: Real
Vertical coordinate of the lower-right corner of the signature area (in millimeters).
Value between 0 and the page height (returned by iPageHeight).

Printing a signature defined by a pdfSignature variable Hide the details

<Result> = iPrintSignature([<Type of signature>, ] <Signature>)
<Result>: Boolean
  • True if the signature was printed,
  • False in case of failure.
<Type of signature>: Optional Integer constant
Type and format of the signature:
  • Type of signature:
    iSignatureApprovalApproval signature. An approval signature corresponds to a mark applied by another person to indicate that he/she approves the document content.
    iSignatureCertificationCertification signature. A certification signature corresponds to a seal applied to the document to guarantee its integrity.
  • Signature format (can be combined with a signature type):
    • PAdES (PDF Advanced Electronic Signatures):
      iSignature_CAdES_BCAdES Basic (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
      iSignature_CAdES_CCAdES C (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
      iSignature_CAdES_TCAdES Trust token (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
      iSignature_CAdES_XCAdES X Type 2 (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
      iSignature_CAdES_XLCAdES XL Type 2 (CMS Advanced Electronic Signature).
    • Adobe signature format:
      (default value)
      PKCS7 signature format. This is an Adobe standard format not approved by the ETSI and Chorus standards.
<Signature>: pdfSignature variable
Name of the pdfSignature variable containing the signature to use.
  • To print an image in the signature area, use iPrintImage:
    iPrintSignature(iSignatureApproval, MySignature, "", 150, 200, 250, 250)
    iPrintImage("signature test.jpg", 150, 200, 250, 250)
  • In a report created with the report editor, use a Signature control to sign the PDF files. For more details, see The Signature control.
  • Caution: For Acrobat to recognize a signed PDF file, the organization that creates the signing certificate must be in the Adobe Approved Trust List (Adobe Authorized Trust List) or in the Certified Document Services program (CDS).
    If the certificate is not recognized, Acrobat will display the following message: "At least one signature has problems".
Business / UI classification: Neutral code
Component: wd300prn.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 21
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Last update: 06/21/2023

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