EmulatePaneUndock (Function) In french: PiloteVoletDétache Emulates the undocking of a pane in a Dynamic Tab control.
EmulatePaneUndock(TAB_Tab, "Alias_1", 105, 3)
EmulatePaneUndock(<Control name> , <Alias> , <X> , <Y>)
<Control name>: Character string Name of the Dynamic Tab control from which the pane must be undocked. <Alias>: Character string Alias of the pane to undock from the associated Dynamic Tab control. <X>: Integer X-coordinate at which the pane must be positioned. <Y>: Character string Y-coordinate at which the pane must be positioned. Remarks This function must be used in the code of automated tests only. Component: wd300testexe.dll
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