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Stored procedures
CoordinateEditorToScreen (Function)
In french: CoordonnéeEditeurVersEcran
Converts a size or a position specified in the reference dpi in the editor (160 dpi) to the native dpi of screen on the device where the application is run.
This function is mainly used to perform a positioning at pixel level.
WEBDEV - Server codeWindows This function is available only to simplify the Webification of WINDEV projects.
EmulateMouse(WIN_Test.IMG_Circuit, emLeftClick, ...
CoordinateEditorToScreen(68), CoordinateEditorToScreen(43))
EmulateMouse(WIN_Test.IMG_Circuit, emLeftClick, ...
CoordinateEditorToScreen(259), CoordinateEditorToScreen(45))
EmulateMouse(WIN_Test.IMG_Circuit, emLeftClick, ...
CoordinateEditorToScreen(161), CoordinateEditorToScreen(139))
EmulateMouse(WIN_Test.BTN_OK, emLeftClick
<Result> = CoordinateEditorToScreen(<Value>)
<Result>: Integer
Conversion result: size or position converted into the native dpi of device screen.
WEBDEV - Server code This parameter always corresponds to <Value>.
<Value>: Integer
Value to convert: size or position specified in the reference dpi in the editor (160 dpi).
  • WINDEV Mobile In the editor, the sizes and positions of the controls in Android, iPhone or Universal Windows 10 App windows always correspond to a 160 dpi screen (dot per inch).
  • Universal Windows 10 AppAndroidAndroid Widget iPhone/iPadIOS WidgetMac Catalyst When running the application, these sizes and positions are automatically converted according to the native dpi of the screen on the host device. This allows you to get a WYSIWYG rendering regardless of the device dpi.
    For example, if a control is 100x100 in the editor, at runtime it will be 150x150 on a 240 dpi screen, 200x200 on a 320 dpi screen, etc.
  • CoordinateScreenToEditor makes the opposite conversion, i.e., go from the native dpi of the device where the application is run to the reference dpi in the editor (160 dpi).
  • CoordinateEditorToScreen must not be used with the drawing functions. Indeed, the DPI of the device may differ from the scale factor used by the drawing functions.
Component: wd300obj.dll
Minimum version required
  • Version 20
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Last update: 05/26/2022

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